Will this work? Series/parallel wiring question

matt holt

Gold Supporting Member
Apr 5, 2005
Cincinnati OH
Without going into all the reasons why I want to do this, would the following setup work the way I think it would;

If I have an amp with two speakon connectors set to run cabs in parallel. I also have two 210 cabs, both 4ohm, and two 110 cabs, both 8 ohm (All of the cabs have the same driver).

If I take two the two 4ohm 210s and use a serial splitter cable to connect them to one of the amp's speakon jacks and use a second serial splitter cable to connect the two 8ohm 110s to the amp's second speakon jack. Am I correct in my understanding that the total system load will be 5.3 ohms, and the 210s Will have twice as much wattage directed at them as the 110s?

Clear as mud, I know, but hopefully it makes sense.

Thanks in advance!
so you'd be cobbling together a 5.3Ω 6x10 cab with all six 8Ω speakers getting equal power. sounds good to me.

you could also spare yourself having to use both of those series cables by re-wiring the two 2x10 cabs to series internally (maybe even adding a switch or a second jack to go from 4 to 16Ω).
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Awesome guys, thanks for the input, I appreciate the help.

you could also spare yourself having to use both of those series cables by re-wiring the two 2x10 cabs to series internally (maybe even adding a switch or a second jack to go from 4 to 16Ω).

I thought about that, but it's entirely possible that I will never actually need to do this; most of my gigs are jazz gigs for which a 210 or even 110 is plenty. I just want to know that if I ever get called for a loud rock gig where I needed that amount of power, I could, as Walter said, "cobble together" something. Also, the cabs also have tweeters, and I'm worried that switching how the drivers are wired would throw the crossovers out of whack.