Wiring for Franken-L1000 project?

I'm looking for some help, from the electronics experts here on TB.

I'm starting a new assembly project to make use of some of the parts I have in my parts pile. I'm trying to make something cool and useful from the parts-on-hand, and can use some help with the wiring diagram.

The plan is to re-rout a P-bass body and pick guard to incorporate a G&L L1000 humbucker in the sweet spot. Instead of the traditional L1000 control scheme: volume, bass cut, treble cut, and series (OMG) switch, I'd like to use just the existing holes in the Precision pickguard:

1) Stacked volume and tone knob
2) Series OMG switch (series + a cap to bleed off some highs)
3) Output jack

I've attached the wiring diagram and schematic for the traditional L1000 controls. Can someone help me figure out how to rewire as described above?



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It's really just realigning the components spatially.
Wire the volume and tone in the standard P bass way, accounting for the stack pot vs two pots. There are millions of diagrams for P bass wiring. Here is a stack pot version.

Wire a DPDT on-on-on switch with the .1uf cap, just like the wiring diagram you posted.
Have the pickup wires go into the switch first, then the white pickup wire continues on to the outside tab (input) of the volume pot instead of to the PTB circuit in the diagram.