Hi, I played a lot to reahearse in one day. Like 3-4 hours with my band and 2-3 hours of arpeggio practive now I get a dull ache playing bass for the past 2 days.
Ive only played about 15 minutes in the past 2 days but thought no I should rest it.
Is this fatigue as I dont get it any other time just when playing bass. Should i just take it easy for a week and let it heal or is something worse?
Its not a sharp or intense pain. Just like if you do a lot of running and you legs feel fatiged
Ive only played about 15 minutes in the past 2 days but thought no I should rest it.
Is this fatigue as I dont get it any other time just when playing bass. Should i just take it easy for a week and let it heal or is something worse?
Its not a sharp or intense pain. Just like if you do a lot of running and you legs feel fatiged