Groundbreaking in their day.
The BB2000 (essentially the BB1200 with a slight rewire and the blade pickup) was the first production P/J bass I can think of, and were big medicine in their day, to the point that many were 'bootlegged' into the US (i.e., not officially imported by American Yamaha; the imports were labeled 'Broad Bass' as yours, the made-for-America ones weren't called that on this side of the Pacific) just as the runaway hit DX7's would be a decade later. Built like a tank, but the necks were quite chunky. The tone, however more than made up for it.
Also the Japanese versions had that brown over amber sunburst, and the American 1200's and 2000's had my favorite Robitussin Red over amber that you see on many Yamahas of this vintage.
At one time, I'd collected all three BB5000's (the OG, like yours, the BB5000A, essentially the same axe with active electronics and pickups and four knobs, and the final BB5000A2, a bigger body with TRB PJ electronics, made in Yamaha's then new (and since closed) Taiwanese plant; the A and A2 were from Yamaha Music Kraft in Japan).
The OG 5000 is NOT for the 'got to have _____mm spacing' crowd. They essentially took a BB3000 (the neck is much slimmer than a 2000) and subdivided it for five strings instead of four, engineered the 3+2 P pickup and ring, and added a bent metal five bridge and the extra tuning key on a slightly larger peghead. Down at the nut particularly, it's TIGHT, maybe even more so than a Jazz or Ric.
I've always found it remarkable that Yamaha built that 3+2 pickup, and no one else built one for some 30-odd years. Yamaha has perfected the P/J tone in fours and fives, you never hear a complaint about P/J's in Yamahas.
This was one of the very first non-boutique, production five-strings, and in their day, the most sought after.
And hardest to get. American Yamaha was hapless in importing most anything in real numbers. I worked for a dealer and was backordered on a 2000 for two years. When the 5000's came along, I didn't even try, and rounded mine up 10 years ago: They were easier to find used and 20 years old than waiting on a new one from Yamaha in those days.
Good for you, they're both exceptionally clean and no one's cut them up to try and wedge other pickups into them, which just wrecks them.
Gorgeous set.