I've got a BB2000 on the way.
It's a beater but the price was right.
Not really concerned about the cosmetics but the bridge needs to be swapped out.
Google search didn't turn up much.
The original bridge has 9 screw holes.
I may swap out the tuners at a later date. It's not a priority now.
Do any of you know what bridge would fit this bass? Or a good source for replacement parts for these Yamaha basses?
It's a beater but the price was right.
Not really concerned about the cosmetics but the bridge needs to be swapped out.
Google search didn't turn up much.
The original bridge has 9 screw holes.
I may swap out the tuners at a later date. It's not a priority now.
Do any of you know what bridge would fit this bass? Or a good source for replacement parts for these Yamaha basses?
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