You Don't Know Sexy Till You Felt a Greased Up Dolphin's Backside

Sep 23, 2009
2017-01-14 15.58.40.jpg

Just hit it with a healthy dose of Howard's Feed N Wax. Stuff looks gooooooood.
i own a Dolphin also. Sexy as all get out!
I avoid getting wax on the neck, the beeswax has a low melting temp and gets gummy with sweat and the summer heat (I have owned 10+ warwicks over the years)

I clean with naptha and then a bit of mineral oil / Bore oil just to seal and add sheen and seal.
Wax is great on the body headstock ETC.
when the fretboard needs a dressing (oxidized frets) I use a DRY melamine sponge followed by a oil dampened microfibre cloth and hand buff to sheen.

Totally of topic but I gotta ask because of your username. You a big bill hicks fan? Beautiful bass by the way!

Yup. Been into Hicks since Tool/Aenima and went from there. My bro was a big Sam Kinison fan, so I was already prepped for the day I discovered Hicks. They don't make 'em like that anymore it seems :)