Your Camp

Thanks for your interest in the Lynn Seaton Jazz Double Bass Camp at the University of North Texas. We have a variety of skill levels every year at the camp, but it is not for complete beginners. There is an age minimum of 14. We have several high school age people that have some experience walking a bassline in combos and/or big bands at their schools. We have college age players with more improvisational experience. We have had some professionals who come to work on their technical and conceptual skills. Playing the upright bass for a years (or two) and having some jazz experience would probably make your experience better.
For those reading about the camp, here is a link:
Please note the registration forms for next summer's camp will be posted by the end of the year (or sooner).
I hope that helps. If anyone has any more questions about the camp content, you are welcome to inquire here or via my email link on the camp page.