Your favourite recorded "live" tone

Hi everyone

I always listen to "live" (I know some times they are re-recorded later) concert versions of songs when listening on YouTube etc, as I usually prefer them to the recorded album version. I was wondering what everyone's favourite "live" bass tones are?

Here are mine:

Paul Moore - Van Morrison

Lakland Jazz bass, with what sounds like rounds with both pickups on

Mark Griffiths - Everly Brothers Reunion

Jazz Bass - not sure of strings but flats I think, perhaps favouring the neck pickup - if anyone has any more info or thoughts please share...!
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Here's an opportunity to post a couple of live DB examples that do it for me:

Ron Carter, live with Jim Hall (All the Things You Are)

Christian McBride in a studio live recording with his band. It's not perfect -- (piano is out of tune) but that's a bass tone so huge that I could live inside it:
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Paul Denman in Sade Bring Me Home Live whenever he played the Stingray. Not a huge fan of the tone with the Gretsch, though—I mean, it's fine, but nothing standout about it—which unfortunately is most of the show.

Pretty much any time Tony Levin plays pretty much anything, but a particular nod to the tone he gets out of the fretless MusicMan Sabre he plays on "Sledgehammer."

Trent Reznor's fuzzed out P tone when he did "Reptile" with Peter Murphy. I still want to know what pedal he was using for that.

I can think of more but that's a good start.
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g, but a particular nod to the tone he gets out of the fretless MusicMan Sabre he plays on "Sledgehammer."

Trent Reznor's fuzzed out P tone when he did "Reptile" with Peter Murphy. I still want to know what pedal he was using for that.

I don't know, but to me that's Zvex, but DI is what it looks like. White, BTW, is better known as Twiggy Ramirez. Great - thanx!
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