I've been looking for a starter bass, and a very well-used Englehardt has appeared locally. Here is the link: $650 · 1980's Englehardt 3/4 Upright bass. I haven't been able to check out the instrument yet, but I know Englehardts are generally considered acceptable starter basses. I'm also looking at a couple of used but relatively new Chinese factory instruments. The Englehardt is about $500 US; the two Chinese instruments are a bit more, but even when they were new, they didn't cost more than $1200-1300 US. Both Chinese basses come from fairly reliable sources and are not necessarily pieces of junk. I'm in my 70s, so I don't ever plan to get too serious about the bass -- if I live long enough, I'll more likely get to be a better fiddler or mandolin player. I only want to explore the bass for bluegrass. I'm concerned about the pits in the Englehardt's fingerboard, as I can imagine very expensive repairs, if required. Any obvious opinions about -- as Alice said -- "Which way? Which way?"