The Guitologist on youtube occasionally dumpster dives at Guitar Center and finds some decent stuff sometimes. Cables, stands, picks, magazines, etc...
So in his latest video he finds a Les Paul in the dumpster. Unfortunately, it is in really rough shape. Check out the video if you want to hear the whole story, but it's a pretty good example of corporate waste. I'm not a Guitar Center hater but I know this kind of thing isn't doing anything good for Guitar Center or the customers.
I guess I should also say I am not, nor do I know the Guitologist! At first he had kind of inspired me to give this a try sometime at my local Guitar Center. But then I realized from scenery in his videos (and his accent) my Guitar Center is his Guitar Center. Small world...
So in his latest video he finds a Les Paul in the dumpster. Unfortunately, it is in really rough shape. Check out the video if you want to hear the whole story, but it's a pretty good example of corporate waste. I'm not a Guitar Center hater but I know this kind of thing isn't doing anything good for Guitar Center or the customers.
I guess I should also say I am not, nor do I know the Guitologist! At first he had kind of inspired me to give this a try sometime at my local Guitar Center. But then I realized from scenery in his videos (and his accent) my Guitar Center is his Guitar Center. Small world...