YouTube Question

Jan 22, 2016
South Carolina
My gig these days is Sunday mornings. I usually get the list of hymns on Wednesday at which point I track them down on YouTube to learn them. Seem to find lately I am not in key with them. Did I see somewhere that people are speeding up or slowing down YouTube songs to avoid some copyright infringements?
If you pitch shift the audio by 5 or 10% the automated copyright bots won't recognize it.
Same goes for visual stuff. There are a lot of bootleg copies of tv shows on youtube that have been zoomed in on by 20 or 40%.
The show "Canadas Worst Driver" is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine, but I can only watch it on YouTube. What's really annoying about it though is that for certain seasons they'll have them with giant borders around the video that make it a pain to watch even on my 39" flat panel tv. Is it so much to ask just to want to properly watch terrible Canadian drivers running over things?
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