YYZ Pedal "warm tube/studio" = Ampeg Classic Pedal?

Mar 18, 2006

I recently picked up the YYZ pedal and unfortunately, the only setting I really like is that "warm tube/studio" one depicted in the manual. I'm going to play around with it some more, but the distortion/OD of the YYZ just doesn't sound great to me. Maybe one of those, "it sounds great on other people's setups but not mine," situations? For testing, I was running it into the front of my Bass Block 800 and then into my GK CX115.

I've seen some other folks say this too and they either just kept the pedal for that or got rid of it. My issue with keeping it is that, while not huge it's not small and takes up a decent amount of space on my pedalboard. If it was just to get that warm tube coloring on my tone, I'd hope it would be the size of a BOSS pedal or thereabouts.

Since Sansamp still has its roots in the Ampeg tone, I was thinking about the Ampeg Classic pedal. It fits the size requirement and is a little bit cheaper anyway. Anyone have experience with both? Other suggestions of that size?

That's cool. I love mine. Even at the 'Geddy' setting, it's definitely an in your face tone, solo'd. The pedal shines, when things start getting loud.
Yeah, I do need to give it some more time, for sure. Even though I really enjoy how it sweetens up my tone with the "studio" setting, I was just hit with that, "is it worth it if this is all I'm doing with it?" train of thought.
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