I currently own a Zoom B3, and while there are many things about the unit that I love, I find the pitch-shifting effects to be practically unusable. The timbre of the octaver and interval-shifters just aren't good enough, and the harmoniser has a fairly limited range of intervals.
However, I'm not sure how similar the effects in the new B3n are to the old B3, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the pitch-shifting effects are better? It'd obviously be good to know if the effects are better or the same overall, but I'm mainly concerned with the pitch-shifters as I'd like to be able to use an octaver again (I used to use the Boss GT-10B). I'd also like to do some octave-up stuff with the looper.
Thanks for any help!
However, I'm not sure how similar the effects in the new B3n are to the old B3, so I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the pitch-shifting effects are better? It'd obviously be good to know if the effects are better or the same overall, but I'm mainly concerned with the pitch-shifters as I'd like to be able to use an octaver again (I used to use the Boss GT-10B). I'd also like to do some octave-up stuff with the looper.
Thanks for any help!