
Ibanez Musician Club

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  • The Ibanez Musician Bass was a line of electric bass guitars produced by the Ibanez Corporation from 1979 to 1987.

    There is a good article on these basses over at Wikipedia, and it seems redundant to copy all that information here.

    Wiring diagrammes​

    These wiring diagrams are first discussed here.
    Some of these wiring diagrams originate at DGB Studio.

    Musician MC900: Three band EQ from 1981 and earlier.
    ibanez 3 band eq schematic.jpg

    Musician MC924: Three band EQ for the 924 which are from the earlier Super-4 version.


    Musician MC924 & MC940: Three band EQ for the 1982 and later version, pickup balance pot, no gain.

    Ibanez MC924-940 (1982).jpg

    Schematic for the above MC924 & MC940. This is also for the 1982 and later version, with connection letters corresponding to the diagram above. Note there is a green wire "j" that comes off the eq board which does not go anywhere.

    MC-924 eq (1982).jpg