Reviews and Clips B-15NVintage Guitar and Bass has several clips featuring a 1964 B
- 15N coupled with a variety of basses. Different playing styles and pickups are featured. Well worth checking out their site.
PF-500Ampeg PF
- 500 amplifier through a Genz Benz NeoX 212T cabinet. The bass used in the video was a Musicman Sterling (single Humbucker (H)).
Review and video clip complements of faulknersj:
Ampeg Portaflex 500 Review! .
Speaker comparison clips : CTS vs JBL D140F vs Weber ceramic
Clips comparing different 15" speakers installed in a 1973 Ampeg B15N.
Channel 1, normal input, volume around 11:30, bass and treble at noon
1- original 8Ω 73 CTS speaker
2- vintage 8Ω 69 JBL D140F speaker
3- modern 4Ω Weber ceramic bass speaker
Basses used:
1- 69 Fender Precision bass with used LaBella flat wound strings; tone Full Open
2- 72 Fender Jazz bass with DR Round wound strings; original PU;
first setting both PU Full Open , tone full open
second setting neck PU full open, bridge PU 80% open, tone 80% closed
3- 70 Gibson EB3 with LaBella flat wounds; both PU & tone full open
4- 84 Rickenbacker 4003 with DR black beauties Round wound; both PU full open, tone 1/2 rolled back on bridge PU
Recorded with Heil Sound PR40 on axis, slightly off center, 1" from grill cloth Through Studio One Fire Studio Mobile
SoundCloud Clips Complements of @nouroog:
An excellent review in German.
Ampeg PortaFlex PF-50T - disssa's Webseite!
Ampag Portaflex PF-50T - disssa's Webseite!
Another detailed review in German, thanks to Disssa. Check out his review website:
Bass Preamp Bassverstärker Bässe Effekte - disssas Webseite!
B-15T - disssa's Webseite!