TB Slang, Abbreviations, Conventions and Definitions
TB's Facebook site. TB's home page. Now is a good time to visit if you haven't seen it before. 210, 410, 610, etc or 8x10, 2x12, 1x15, etc: For speaker cabinets, the quantity/size of speakers mounted in a cabinet. 15/6/1, 15/6, 12/6, 151566: For speaker cabinets containing speakers of different sizes. '66: Short for a 1515/66 cab. See fEARful $$: Warwick Double Humbucker @agedhorse TB member and electronics engineer who keeps TB honest about what actually we're dealing with. @JimmyM TB member, professional bass player and all Ampeg everything. [OT] A polite way to mark up a comment to indicate that you know you're making an Off Topic post in a thread so you don't get flamed. [/OT] +1 (or any number): Agreed. More numbers = you HIGHLY agree. A/B: When you compare two instruments/cabs/amps etc. by playing/listening to them one after the other. ABG: Acoustic Bass Guitar Active, Active Bass: A tone control circuit(pre-amp-treble,mid,bass) installed in a bass that is usually powered by one or two 9 volt batteries. Usually, the more voltage, the more boost. AEB: Acoustic-Electric Bass AFAICS: As Far As I Can See AFAIK: As Far As I Know AFAICT: As far as I can tell Amp: Amplifier: Increases the pre-amplifier signal so we can hear it. Amp Modeling: See DSP. Ampage: amplifier(s),e.g., "But I agree... for small rooms, regular ampage with only vocals through the PA should be sufficient." Analogue, Analog: A representation of an object that resembles the original. Analog devices monitor conditions, such as movement, temperature and sound, and convert them into analogous electronic or mechanical patterns. For example, an analog watch represents the planet's rotation with the rotating hands on the watch face. Telephones turn voice vibrations into electrical vibrations of the same shape. Analog implies a continuous signal in contrast with digital, which breaks everything into numbers. All original: As in an "all original '63 Fender Jazz Bass". ATOZ (A to Z): Icon designed from TBr ATOZ'. Also, his photograph has been photochopped many a time in the TB Photochop thread. Attenuator: See Power Brake AUB: Acoustic Upright Bass Avatar: For TB donors/supporting (paid) users, the ability to place a picture next to one's user name. AYFKM: Are you freakin' kidding me? B&B: Bass neck is blocked(instead of fret dots) & bound (trim around neck edges). Backline: Amps and other equipment being used for a gig provided by the venue. Used a lot in rental situations...Backline provided. Bacon: You know... bacon. Ban, Banned (Temp/Permanent): What happens to TBer's who are unable to control what comes out of their keyboard on to their screen and into their TB posts AND, who are unable/unwilling to change despite warnings from TB mods. BardsTale: TBr, made this up, he loved the old game and loves TBr Bard2theBone's stories Bassface: A particularly funny/odd facial expression associated with a person feelin' it while playing. Bass Shaped Object: See BSO BB: the late Bob Babbitt, replaced James Jamerson in the Motown studio musician's group, The Wrecking Crew. All-time great. b/c: because BFM: Bill Fitzmaurice - audio and speaker cab guru. Has his own DIY (also authorized builders) speaker cab website 'bic: Alembic Big Iron: Amps (heads) that weigh a lot and are usually past models with Tubes and other heavy components. For example, the Sunn 2000s head weighs in at 65lbs and is 30" long. See also Lead Sled(s). Bill Lawrence aka Willi Stich (RIP): Master guitarist and pickup invention/designer/builder of Wilde pickups for bass and guitar. BL: Band Leader Blocks, Blocked: Rectangular inlays in fretboard at 3rd, 5th etc. frets instead of dots BOH: Back of House: (to go along with FOH) Back line, monitors, etc...anything heard on stage. Boner Bass: Basses with an extra long top horn. Bound: Both Fretboard edges inlaid with material of contrasting color/material Bound 'n Blocked: Fretboard edges inlaid with material of contrasting color/material and rectangular inlays in fretboard at 3rd, 5th etc. frets instead of dots Boutique Bass Cabs(Cabinets): Low production, cutting-Edge cabinets. See Boutique Cabs BSO: Bass-Shaped Object, a poorly-made 'bass-shaped object'. Heard more in DB(double bass)forums Bump, Bumped or Bumping: When you post in your own thread or another TBr's thread to move it to the top of the thread list. See also TTT CAR: Candy Apple Red color of paint made famous by older Fender basses. Cab(s): Speaker cabinet(s) Cabbage: Speaker cab(s). "I happy with my current cabbage." Carrots: in a thread poll, a choice provided by the pollster for TBrs who want to vote but don't care about the poll question or outcome. It's genesis lost to the ages. CBS: Columbia Broadcasting System, purchased Fender company from founder Leo Fender Chambered: Slots Cut into a bass body to reduce weight and/or to create a hollow body DB type tone. CIJ: "Crafted In Japan" Usually when the manufacture did more than assemble. CJ Contemporary Jazz Click Track: Recording and sometimes live playing technique(mostly for drummers) where a metronome click is provided on a separate track through headphones so that everyone has the same timing. Closed back speaker cabinet: See Sealed/Unsealed Closet Classic: Bass that has little signs of aging, as if stored in a closet for many years. Coffee Table: Instrument with highly figured top where the grain is visible. Comb Filtering: Distortion (phase cancellation of mids/highs) that occurs when speaker/speaker cabs are placed on a horizontal axis (side by side). Corrected by vertically stacking speakers/cabs. Mitigated somewhat by placing speakers in a cab at angles from each other. See related thread -->here. Combo: Combination; usually referring to amp and speaker built into one cabinet. See Piggyback Compression: an electronic unit that smooths the peaks of the bass signal to even out the sound and to protect the amp/speakers. Conversations Replaced Private Messages(PM's) when TB software was upgraded. CUP: Commercial User Policy: Policies set up to regulate the usage of TB by businesses. DB: Double (upright) Bass(as played by Jazz, Rock-a-billy and other musicians.) DB Forum: TB's double bass/eub/upright bass forum. DB Decibels, a unit of SPL measurement DC: Double Cut Body Style (two horns). DD: The late Donald "Duck" Dunn, R&B bassist, an all-time great DI, DI Box,DI Out, Direct Box: Direct Input. Small unit to plug bass into that splits signal for sending Clean bass to PA mixer and another signal to the amp. Many amps have them built in with a switch (Pre/Post) to send either a Clean, unfiltered bass tone(Pre)to the PA or EQ'd tone(Post) and a ground lift to prevent ground loops Dinger: Dingwall Bass Digital: Records or diplays everything (sound, light, temperature, etc.) in numbers. Digital Modeling: See DSP. Dots: Fretboard Markings DR: DR Strings DSP: Digital Sound Processing. Using software to manipulate the Output signal to emulate different amp tones, speaker cab tones, guitar/bass tones and create special effects. Also applied to home theater audio systems. Manufacturers/Builders usually come up with their own trademarked name for DSP. E Series: MIJ (Made in Japan) Fender basses that are highly regarded and made between 1984-1987 with E serial number basses (and guitars) Emo: Emotional (as in, Don't get all emo over this!) EB: Electric Bass Guitar. Term usually seen on the DB forum side of TB. EBMM: Ernie Ball Music Man e.g.: for example EQ, Equalizer(analog or digital): Multi-Band frequency tone controls the allow adjustment to specific frequencies. Can be built into an amp, pedal, rack unit, stand alone unit or be software based. ERB: Extended Range Bass EUB,EURB: Electric Upright Bass FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. Please read the TB list. Fassa: Legendary newbie TBr. FB: Fingerboard or fretboard FCOL: for cryin' out loud fdeck: TBr/Designer of a popular adjustable high-pass-filter(see HPF)/pre-amp used to cut out undesirable low freq. noise below 35hz. Tightens up your low end and protects speakers. Version 3 (V3) is adjustable up to 140hz to cut boominess due to venue acoustics. fEARful: DIY speaker cabs designed by TBr Greenboy fEARless: Cabs designed by TBr Greenboy Feeler: Used mainly on the "for sale" forums. Meaning "I'll sell if I get what I believe is top dollar." Fenderbird: A bass made from parts of a Gibson(or copy)Thunderbird & a Fender. Typically a T-Bird body, Fender neck and any kind of electronics. The late John Entwistle had several made. Fingerboard: Fret Board WITHOUT Frets (Fretless) Fire the Drummer: Seems to solve most problems. FL: Fretless Flame: A highly configured and visible wood pattern, usually associated with the top of a bass. Flame: To unleash copious amounts of vitriol on a fellow TBr. Note: can get you banned. FMIC: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation FOH: Front Of House (as in, in front of the PA).See BOH. Fools on Stools: Usually reserved for old guy duos playing acoustic instruments (or with an electric bass) while sitting on stools playing rock tunes of suspicious origin and with dubious talent. Frankenbass, Frankenstein bass: A bass made of various, sometimes rarely-used-together parts Freq/Freqs: Frequency/Frequencies Fretboard: Neck with frets (Fretted) Fridge: Ampeg 8x10 cab FSO: For Sale Only or Fender Shaped Object (to describe a Fender bass clone or something near it). FSR: Factory Special Run FTW: For the win. When a post captures the essence of a thread. Fugly: Beyond ugly ... ******* + Ugly Fundamental: Root frequency or first harmonic of a note. Fundamental of the B string on a 5 string bass is 32hz hertz. See Harmonics. FUQUA'd" Having DBr Ed Fuqua bastardize your TB handle. FWIW: For What It's Worth. GAS,G.A.S.: Gear Acquisition Syndrome. GAT: Get a teacher GC: Guitar Center. A chain of music stores owned by Bain Capital. Also owns Woodwind and Brasswind, Music 123, Lyons Music, Musician's Friend and others Get the hell off my lawn: Used by old guys when newbies, et.al. make us cranky. Git Player: Guitar Player Gitard: Derogatory term for guitar players. Now a banned word. GIF: picture file process and format that allows minimal animation in a very small file size with usually humorous content and effect. Used in many avatars. GK: Gallien Krueger amp/speaker cab manufacturer. GL: Can Refer to "Geddy Lee" (ie. The model) or G&L basses. GLWTS: "Good luck the the sale" or "Good luck with the show". GOF: Grumpy old fart. Used to describe cranky, old guy TBrs. They even have their own thread. See also Get the hell off my lawn. GOML: Get off my lawn. Greenboy: TBr Dave Green, designer of fEarful and fEarless cabs GTG: Get Together. Gtr: Guitar Hannie: Hanewinckle Harmonics (2nd order, 3rd order, etc.): frequencies produced above the root (Fundamental) frequency of a note that creates the musical Timbre of a steady tone from an instrument and is determined by the relative strengths of each harmonic. See Fundamental Head: Pre-amp and Amp built in one enclosure Hertz: See Hz. HH: Double Humbucker Pickup Combo Hissy Quit: See Rage Quit High Pass Filter Mega Thread(aka HPF, Rumble Filter, Subsonic Filter, Low Cut Filter): filter built to eliminate low frequencies below a specific frequency and to eliminate inaudible low bass frequencies that suck amplifier power and can damage/blow speakers. Some amps have it built in. See TBr fdeck's adjustable HPF V3. Also check out the Broughton (high/low pass, adjustable), sfx Thumpinator(fixed), or Fishman Pro Platinum. See sfx Micro Screaminator for low pass (treble cut off) filter pedal. Hoffman's Iron Law: There's a tradeoff relationship between box size, bass extension, and efficiency. If you want to make improvements in one area, payment for that must come from the others. So if you want a small box that goes deep, it will have low efficiency (classic example is the one cubic foot home stereo subwoofer that goes down to 20 Hz but needs a kilowatt of power). Hoffy: Hofner Bass, like the one Paul McCartney uses. HPF: See High Pass Filter HTH: Hope That Helps. Hybrid: Usually an amp that has a tube preamp and Solid State(SS)amp. Hz: A Measurement Of Cycles Per Second related to a specific frequency,e.g., "32 Hz" IBBIE,IBBY: Ibanez IBTL: Before The Thread Lock (Frowned upon by TB mods). Making a post before it's locked due to issues in a thread. i.e.: that is IDC: I don't care, I didn't care. IDK: I don't know, I didn't know. IEM: In ear monitors. System used to replace on stage floor monitors. iOS: (previously iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed/distributed by Apple Inc. Also for iPad, iPod Touch. TB club. IIRC: If I Remember Correctly IME: In my experience IMHO: In My Humble Opinion or In My Honest Opinion IMO: In my opinion. Jazz: Fender Jazz Bass or basses built in the style of. J/H: Jazz (single coil)/Humbucker (double coil) Pickup Combination J/P/J: Bass built with 3 pickups in the format of: Jazz, Precision, Jazz. Usually with a Fender Jazz Bass style bass. J, J-Bass, JBass: Fender Jazz Bass or basses built in the style of. JMHO: Just My (Humble, Honest) Opinion JJ: The late James Jamerson, Motown bassist, arguably the greatest bass player ever JPTA: Just prior to arrival J Pup: Single coil pickup. See Jazz Bass L Series: Fender basses with serial numbers starting with L. Usually older, collectable and from the '60s. Lead Sled(s): Amps (heads) that weigh a lot and are usually past models with Tubes and other heavy components. There are some current amps that fit in this category. For example, the Sunn 2000s head weighs in at 65lbs and is 30" long. See also Big Iron. LGD: Lead Guitarist's Disease. LILO: Load in/Load out Lounge, The: Private Forum accessible to TB supporting members. Low Cut Filter: See High Pass Filter LOWwnered: To start a thread or post once ( usually a trollish type post ) and leave a thread forever. LP or LPB: Les Paul or Les Paul Bass (Referring to the body style) or Lake Placid Blue (A colour) LSD: Lead Singer's Disease Macca: Paul McCartney Mad: Lots of something: Mad skills, mad props. Maximum excursion, also Mechanical Limits: The amount of physical speaker movement that takes the coil out of the magnetic gap, making reconing a distinct possibility. See Xmax. Metronome: Unit that provides an adjustable tempo (speed) click to assist a bass player while practicing or a band while rehearsing. Sometimes used to describe a drummer's time keeping ability-"like a metronome". MIA: "Made in Asia" or "Missing in Action" or Made in America MIC: "Made in China" Mic/Mic'd or Mike/Miked: Microphone Micro Thumpinator: See High Pass Filter. Micro Screaminator: Low pass filter that cuts highs (clankyness) from about 20khz to 300hz. Also good for guitar. Mids: Frequencies generally between ____ Hz and ____ Hz. Mid-Forward: Bass cab that emphasizes mid-range. MIJ: "Made In Japan" See Also, CIJ. MIK: "Made In Korea" MIM: "Made In Mexico" MM Pup: Humbucking pickup a la Music Man Stingray MM or EBMM: Music Man or Ernie Ball Music Man. MM can also refer to the Marcus Miller signature bass Mod(s): Moderator(s): Talk Bass overseers. They can shut you up. Keep your posts PG-13. Mod(s): Modify, as in Mod a bass or What mods does your bass have? Mojo: Extensive wear on a bass due to years of playing. Such basses seem to have a deep history or charisma. Mothman: bass of legend, forged in the depths of hell MTE: My thoughts, exactly MS: Medium Scale My Inspired Pose: Photochop thread based on TBr Oniman's picture: My inspired pose N'Ampeg: Ampegs of overseas Asian manufacture NAD: New Amp day NBD: New Bass Day NBD: No big deal NCD: New (speaker) Cabinet D NPD: New (effects) Pedal Day NIMBY: Not in my backyard. No pic, no _____: Used when you want a TBr to provide pics of whatever has been referenced in a previous post. Noob/Newbie/Newb: New Member. New to a topic/subject. NOS: New Old Stock. Applies to any object that was originally made many years ago, has remained unsold and is still in new condition for sale. NTTAWWT: Not that there's anything wrong with that NWS, NSFW: Warning about a photograph or video. Not work safe or Not safe for work to display on your screen. Something you should never see on TB and something you should never post on TB. See Banned. OP: Original Poster/Original Post. "The OP has a point." Open back speaker cabinet: For guitar, allowing part of the back to be uncovered, creating a desired and different tone than sealed back cabinets. Placed close to a wall, part of the sound will be widely reflected back into the room. Original: As in An original, '63 Fender Jazz Bass. or an original song OSB: Oriented Strand Board is easily identifiable by its characteristic wood strands. Also known as sterling board, sterling OSB, aspenite, and smartply in British English, OSB is an engineered wood particle board formed by adding adhesives and then compressing layers of wood strands (flakes) in specific orientations OT: Off Topic forum or "off topic". "Your post is off topic". OTOH: On The Other Hand P3: Rigs that are Punchy, Powerful and Portable. P, P-Bass, P Bass, PBass: Fender Precision Bass or basses built in the style. PA or P.A.: Public Address system used to amplify vocals and various musical instruments that a band uses. Passive, Passive Bass: A bass that depends on the voltage from the pickups to power a preamp/amp. No batteries. A non-active bass. See Active. Paul Determan: Forum administrator/owner of TB. Contact with any issues the mods can't handle or to file website complaints. P Bass or P: Fender Precision Bass or those built in the style. P PUP: Split Coil pick up, P Bass style PBDDI: Tech 21 Programmable Bass Driver DI PDDI: Tech 21 Para Driver DI PF: Ampeg Portaflex P/G,PG: Pickguard P/H,PH: Precision/Humbucker Pickup Combination P/J,PJ: Precision/Jazz pickup combination. Usually installed on a Fender Jazz Bass,sometimes a Fender Precision Bass along with a Jazz Bass neck. Precision p/u in the neck position, Jazz p/up in bridge position. Pre-amp: Pre-amplifier. Takes powered signals(electrical impulses) from a source(usually a bass on TB), modifies it with filters(tone controls)and sends the modified signal to an amplifier making the bass and "active bass". Can be purchased as an individual unit or in conjunction with an amplifier(head) Photochop, Photochopped: modifying a photo, usually in a humorous way. Photo modified using the program Photoshop. Pic(s),Pix: Picture(s) Piggyback A rig where the amp is in a separate cab and sits atop the speaker cab, as opposed to a all-in-one combo. See combo. Pillow: Bass tone that emphasizes the lower frequencies but is not distorted but more smooth/Rounded tone. PITA, Pita: pain in the a$$ Plank: DBer's(upright bass player) derisive term for electric bass guitar Plank Spanker: Those who play electric bass guitar PM: Private Message sent through TalkBass from one TBr to another. Port, Ported: Usually a Round hole cut into a speaker cabinet (front or back) with a specific length(determined by calculation) of plastic pipe extension attached. To maximize bass response. See also be a shelf port. POS: Piece of $**+. Not a good piece of equipment. Pots: Potentiometer, Volume, tone or other controls, etc. Power or speaker(Brake, Attenuator, Soak) or (Amplifier, Volume, Power, Wattage) Attenuator: A very effective and adjustable unit that is inserted between amplifier and speaker cab that absorbs amp power (little to a lot) so a musician can get power tube Distortion at a low volume by turning up the amp volume and where the (Brake, Attenuator, Soak) absorbs the amp power. Usually for guitarists using tube amps and can shorten tube life considerably. If you are looking for speaker distortion, this is not the effect to use. Precision: based on Fender Precision Bass. Pron: Porn Props: Proper respect. That bass player deserves mad props for really putting on a show tonight! PUP(s), p/u's, PU: Pickup(s) Pwn, Pwned: from the verb own, owned, as in, I pwned you. Gloating or bragging about some accomplishment that overshadows someone else's. Also, to appropriate or to conquer, compromise or control. QFT: Quoted for Truth. A very strong agreement with another TBr's statement/reply. OT: TB Off Topic Forum where pretty much any non-music subject (except gun/politics and/or religion) are discussed, disputed and generally chewed on pretty good by lots of TBrs. Rack, Rack Mount(ed): amps, pre-amps, etc. designed (with ears/tabs) to be semi-permanently mounted into a (usually) metal box (rack). Many racks are modified to hold pretty much any thing that will fit in them. Rage Quit: Posting a tantrum thread and then quitting TB. Possibly deleting one's account in the process. Ramp: Small piece of rectangular wood placed to fill space between pickups and usually used to rest your thumb while playing. Rattle Can Refin: Refinishing a bass with paint out of a spray can(rattles when shaken). Ray: Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray RB5: Roscoe Beck 5-string Relic, Relic'd Light Relic a bass: Nicks, scratches. etc. added to a bass to make it look like you've been gigging /playing it for 30 years. Light relic, only about 5 years. Respect: Number one rule on TB: Respect your fellow TBr's at all times when posting. RI: Reissue Ric: Rickenbacker Basses Rig: Your amp and speaker cabinet or your combo. RW: Rosewood, used for finger boards Round port: a circular hole cut into a speaker cabinet along with using an internal extension(usually plastic pipe) of a specific length for tuning the cabinet to obtain maximum performance from the speaker. See Shelf Port. See Sealed/Nonsealed Cabinets. RMS: Root Means Squared (Standard method of measuring an amplifier's power Output) Rumble Filter: See High Pass Filter SABDDI: Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI. SC: Single Cut Body Style. SE: Sound Engineer who runs the P.A. and stage monitors. Sometime two individuals, one for the PA and one for the stage monitors. Scale Length: The length from the nut of the bass, to the bridge of the bass. Search is your friend: A polite way to inform a thread creator or poster that what is being asked about has been widely and thoroughly discussed before and to use the Search function to obtain answers to their question. Sealed(closed) speaker cabinet/non-sealed(ported) speaker cabinet: Sealed cabinets have no other opening except for the speaker(s). Non-sealed cabinets have openings (shelf, Round, horn) that tune a speaker cabinet to match the speaker(s) parameters resulting in obtaining maximum performance from the speaker(s) See Round port, Shelf port. Shedd, shedding, shedded See Woodshed. Shelf port: Alternative to a round port. Usually built as a specific Full-length or Full-width opening of a speaker cabinet to maximize speaker capabilities. Can also be built into both sides of a speaker cabinet. See Sealed/nonsealed cab. Shoegaze, Shoegazer, Shoegazi: (UK) A type of Britpop or other indie music of the 1990s, characterised by a dreamlike sound making much use of effect pedals, and by a detached or introverted performance style or music similar. Sig: Signature. TB's signature display area seen at the bottom of posts or in a user's profile. Siggable: A phrase or comment worth putting into the TB signature display space. Sigged: Putting another TBr' phrase into your TB signature display space. Signature: Display under a post where a TB can input any type of information or links Single Cut: Bass with only one cut away. Sitch: Situation Slab: DBer's derisive term for bass guitar Slab Bass: Bass w/o comfort shaping, like the original Fender Precision Basses. Slab: Rosewood fingerboard with a flat bottom on a neck with comparable mating surface. SLM era CL+SLM era 810e: SLM was previous owner of Ampeg. CL=amp, 810e=speaker cab SM57: An Industry Standard Microphone made by the Sure company. Mostly used to mic instruments. SM58: An industry standard vocal microphone made by the Sure company SMDH: Shaking My D@mn Head SOP: Standard Operating Procedure Sound guy: see SE Spec(s): Specifications SPL: Sound Pressure Level i.e. volume or loudness Squire: Officially spelled "Squier", a budget brand of FMIC(Fender Musical Instrument Corporation) SR: Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray, SR5: Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray 5-string Sting: Ernie Ball Musicman Stingray SS: Solid state (transistor, not tube circuit) also short-scale (neck) Stammie: Stambaugh bass Sticky: Thread that rises to such popularity or contains highly useful information that is placed permanently at the top of the forum it originated in for TBr's easy access. String Tension: How much force a string exerts when tuned. See TB discussion here. Subsonic Filter: See High Pass Filter. Supporting Member: $30/yr., $100/yr., GOLD supporting member. Larger message storage and avatar pics + other benefits. SVT: Ampeg Super Valve Technology amplifiers SX Basses: Essex Basses TB: TalkBass T-Bass, TBass: Fender Telecaster Bass or those built in the style TBBFM: The Best Bass For Metal TBird Thunderbird TG: TalkGuitar.com, TB's sister site.
The Best Bass for Metal: Humorous reply to a thread/post taken from a thread the asked "What's the best bass for Metal?"
The Best Bass For ________: Humorous reply to a thread/post that asks about "The best", "The most" or any other overused superlative. The Qintar: An old poster on Talkbass. Thump: bass tone that has more mid-range and gives you a thumping type tone instead of a smoother tone. A P bass is good for this. TI: Thomastik-Infeld strings, e.g.. TI Flats TL;DR: Too long, Don't Read. Too long, Didn't Read. Summary of long post, usually seen at the beginning of the post. OR the short version TNC: Tuna Noodle Casserole Tort: Tortoise Shell (pickguard) taken from the look of real tortoise shell. Tthe legend of... Tribbie: G&L Tribute basses Troll: A person who posts for the sole purpose of stirring the pot. Lots of banned trolls on TB. TTIUWOP or TTIUWP: This Thread Is Useless Without Pics TTT: "To The Top", alternative to Bump. Typed in a post to get a thread moved to the top of the thread list. Tug Bar or Thumb Bar: Small piece of rectangular wood/plastic placed on front of bass above or below pickups to rest thumb/fingers. Older Fender Precision or Jazz basses are good examples. Unmolested: Stock, unmodified, unchanged, as first sold, original Setup URB or UB: Upright Bass Vertical Stack: a bass combo and extension cab or speaker cabinets stacked on top of each other where the speakers are in a vertical line, e.g., two 2x10s stacked vertically instead of side by side or instead of purchasing a 4x10 cabinet. The benefits are: closer to ear level so easier to hear mids, lower stage volume, better FOH dispersion, easier load in/load out, modular for venues of different sizes. When you go from a 4x10 to vertical 2x2x10, it may seem that you rig has lost some bass. What really is happening is that you are hearing more mids at ear level, not less bass. Vintage: Previously used to describe old basses until incorporated into the names of new basses made in the style of old basses. Vox: Vocals VTC: Vintage tone Control 'wick: Warwick bass Wunkay: a type of bass WinISD: Free speaker cabinet design program available in the Interwebz. Wish Bass: Bass-shaped object made by Steve Wishnevsky- rumored to be capable of making bass like sounds Woodshed, Woodshedding, Woodshedded: Spending a large amount of time practicing with the goal of getting as good as you can in a short amount of time, as if you are isolating yourself in a woodshed so no one will bother you. See Shed. WRT,W.R.T.: With respect to. Making a comment "WRT" a specific point made earlier in a conversation". WTL;DR: Way too long, Didn't read. See TL;DR. Wunkay: G&L L-100 bass Xmax: How far the speaker cone can travel(one way) with the coil still in the magnetic gap. Farther is better. Not related to maximum excursion which takes the coil out of the magnetic gap. YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary. Advising a reader that taking your advice is at his/her own risk. Zombie thread: An old thread, long dead and gone come alive with a new post.
Audio Terms
3-to-1 Rule: When using multiple microphones, the distance between microphones should be at least 3 times the distance from each microphone to its intended sound source. For example, if a grand piano microphone is one foot away from the strings, a second piano microphone should be at separated from the first microphone by at least 3 feet.
5.1 Surround sound home theater audio/speaker arrangement. 6 audio channels: 1 subwoofer), 2 speakers to the left and right of television, 1 center (middle) speaker(usually for for voices placed in between front speakers) and 2 rear speakers. Some recent speaker innovations use DSP(digital sound processing) to achieve 5.1 with all front/center/rear speakers contained in a long, Narrow speaker box placed under the television and one subwoofer placed nearby.
7.1: Surround sound home theater audio/speaker arrangement. 8 audio channels: one subwoofer (.1), 2 front speakers to the left and right of television, 1 center (middle) speaker(usually for for voices placed in between front speakers), 2 mid-rear speakers and 2 rear speakers.
Absorption: The weakening of radio wave strength by losses in various materials.
ADC: Analog-to-digital converter, also abbreviated A/D.
Ambience: Room acoustics or natural reverberation.
Ambient Sound Local or background sounds.
Amplitude: Magnitude of strength of signal or wave.
AM Rejection: Ability of an FM receiver to reject signals from AM transmitters and/or AM noise from electrical devices or natural sources.
Antenna: Electrical circuit element that transmits or receives radio waves.
Antenna Gain: Measure of antenna efficiency compared to a reference antenna, for example: dBi = gain relative to theoretical isotropic (spherical omnidirectional) antenna.
Antenna Splitter: A device for electrically matching a single antenna to multiple receivers.
Attenuation – Measure of the loss of amplitude of a signal.
Automatic Mixer: A specialized mixer that turns off unused microphone channels without any user intervention, and turns on microphone channels as needed.
Auxiliary (Aux) Send: An extra output from a mixer channel with separate level control. Usually used to create monitor mixes or as effects sends.
Bandwidth: A measure of the frequency range of a signal or device.
Base Frequency: The actual frequency of a crystal oscillator, usually then multiplied to some higher operating frequency.
Bias Voltage: A fixed DC voltage that establishes the operating characteristic of a circuit element such as a transistor.
Bit : Smallest digital data element, has a value of “0? or “1?.
Bodypack: Transmitter style that can be worn on the body.
Boundary/Surface Microphone: A microphone designed to be mounted on an acoustically reflective surface.
Capture: The effect of a strong FM signal suppressing weaker signals at the receiver.
Cardioid Microphone: A unidirectional microphone with moderately Wide front pickup (131 degrees). Angle of best rejection is 180 degrees from the front of the microphone, that is, directly at the rear.
Carrier: The basic or unmodulated radio wave.
Cascade: Active antenna output port of receiver or antenna splitter than can feed another receiver or antenna splitter.
Close Pickup: Microphone placement within 2 feet of a sound source.
Comb filtering: the variations in frequency response caused when a single sound source travels multiple paths to the listener’s ear, causing a “hollow” sound quality and when walking around the perimeter of a venue the listener can hear drop outs of various frequencies. The resultant frequency response graph resembles a comb. Occurs when speakers are placed side by side instead of vertically stacking them. Can also occur electronically with multiple microphones picking up the same sound source.
Codec: Software algorithm for data compression and decompression (code-decode).
Compander: A two-step noise reduction system consisting of a compressor in the transmitter and an expander in the receiver.
Compressor: A device that controls varying signal levels.
Condenser Microphone: A microphone that generates an electrical signal when waves vary the spacing between two charged surfaces: the diaphragm and the backplate.
DAC: Digital-to-analog converter, also abbreviated D/A.
dBm: Ratio of power levels relative to one milliwatt, for example: 0dBm = 1mW, 10dBm = 10mW.
Decibel (dB): A number used to express relative output Sensitivity. It is a logarithmic ratio.
DECT: Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications, standard for digital cordless telephones, for example: 1920-1930 MHz in the US, different bands in other countries.
Demodulation: The recovery of the original modulating information from a radio signal.
Detector: The circuitry that performs demodulation.
Delay (echo): Reflection of sound that is delayed long enough to be heard as a distinct repetition of the original sound.
Deviation: The maximum frequency variation of an FM signal.
Diffraction: The bending or partial reflection of radio waves by metal objects.
Dipole: An antenna that is made up of two active elements.
Direct: Not reflected.
Distortion: Any unwanted difference between the original and final version of a signal.
Diversity: Receiver design that picks up a radio signal simultaneously at multiple locations and intelligently switches or combines to yield the best continuous signal.
Dropout: The complete loss of received signal due to multipath interference.
DSP: Digital Signal Processor, used in digital and hybrid radio circuits. For home theater, used to manipulate the signal source and create audio effects to simulate smaller/larger room size, more or less delay giving output more or less apparent ambiance to the listener's ears.
Dynamic Range: Maximum amplitude range of a signal or device, generally the difference between the strongest and weakest signals that occur or that the device can handle.
Echo: Time delay of an audio signal that is long enough (typically more than 20 milliseconds) to be heard as a distinct repetition of the original sound.
Electret: A material (such as Teflon) that can retain a permanent electric charge.
Encryption: Encoding a transmitted signal so that it can be decoded only with a unique digital “key”.
EM: Electromagnetic.
EQ: Equalization or tone control to shape frequency response in some desired way.
Equalizer: A signal processor that allows the user to boost or cut selected frequencies. Used for tone shaping and limited feedback control. Variations include graphic or parametric.
Expander: A circuit that expands the dynamic range of a signal by a finite ratio, typically 1:2 in a compander system.
Fade, Fading: Gradual increase or decrease in the level of an audio signal.
Fader: any digital or analog device used for increasing/decreasing a signal, especially when it is a knob or button that slides along a track or slot. A knob which rotates is usually not considered a fader, although it is electrically and functionally equivalent and known as a rotary fader.
Fading:Radio, Cellular Telephone or any wireless device: Loss of signal strength due to distance or obstacles in the signal path.
FCC: – Federal Communications Commission, US government radio regulatory agency.
Feedback: In a PA system consisting of a microphone, amplifier, and loudspeaker, feedback is the ringing or howling sound caused by amplified sound from the loudspeaker entering the microphone and being re-amplified.
Feedback Killer, Squelcher, Finder: PA feature that is used to reduce/eliminate feedback. Some of which are automatic.
Fidelity:: A subjective term that refers to perceived sound quality: Low Fidelity, High Fidelity.
Field: A distribution of energy in space, for example: electric, magnetic, sound.
Flat Response: A frequency response that is uniform and equal at all frequencies.
Frequency: The rate of repetition of a cyclic phenomenon such as a sound wave. Usually measured in Hertz (Hz).
Frequency Agile: Having the ability to change frequencies: tuneable.
Frequency Diversity: Scheme that relies on statistical decorrelation of the same signal transmitted and received at multiple frequencies to minimize RF interference effects.
Frequency Hopping: Spread spectrum technique using continuous, synchronized frequency changes across a Wide frequency range.
Frequency Response: Variation in amplitude of a signal over a range of frequencies.
Front End: Initial filter stage of a receiver when sound waves cause a conductor to vibrate in a magnetic field. In a moving-coil microphone, the conductor is a coil of wire attached to the diaphragm.
Gain: Amplification of sound level or voltage.
Gain-Before-Feedback: The amount of gain that can be achieved in a sound system before feedback or ringing occurs.
Geolocation: Ability of a TVBD to determine its geographic location.
Ground Plane: Electrical approximation of a zero-potential reflective surface at the base of an antenna.
GSM: Global Systems for Mobile Communications, mobile telephone standard, for example: 850 Mz and 1900 MHz in the US, different bands in other countries.
Handheld: Transmitter type that can be held in the hand.
Headworn Microphone: A microphone that is worn on the head.
Helical: Wideband directional antenna consisting of a single circularly-polarized element.
Hertz (Hz): A unit of measurement that represents cycles-per-second. The musical note “A” above middle “C” is equivalent to 440 Hz.
Hybrid: Radio design combining digital audio processing with analog transmission.
IEM: In-ear monitor.
IFB: Interruptible fold back, a cueing system used in broadcast.
IM: Intermodulation, frequencies produced by combinations of other frequencies in non-linear devices.
IMD: Intermodulation distortion (another name for IM).
IM Rejection: Ability of a receiver to reject IM products.
Impedance: In an electrical circuit, opposition to current flow of alternating current, measured in ohms. A high impedance microphone has an impedance of 10,000 ohms or more. A low impedance microphone has an impedance of 50 to 600 ohms.
Interface – Typically refers to a device that converts analog audio signals to a digital signal for connection to a personal computer, and vice versa. Digital audio interfaces can either be internal (on a PCI card) or external (with a USB or Firewire connection to the computer).
Indirect: Reflected or diffracted.
Inverse Square Law – Mathematical relationship in which one quantity is inversely proportional to the square of another quantity, for example: signal strength decreases according to the distance squared.
Isolation: Freedom from leakage; ability to reject unwanted sound.
Latency: A delay between the time that an audio signal is converted from analog to digital, processed, and transmitted, and the time that it is heard by the listener. Latency can very greatly depending on the software and file format used. Typical latency for audio ranges from a few milliseconds to over 100 milliseconds (1/10th of a second). If the delayed audio signal being is compared to an undelayed signal (such as a performer hearing his or her own voice) or to an undelayed visual reference (such as an audience member seeing the image of a live performer), delays of more than a few milliseconds can be noticeable to the listener.
Lavalier Microphone: A small microphone designed for hands-free usage. Usually clipped to the clothing.
Leakage: Pickup of an instrument by a microphone intended to pick up another instrument.
Level: The amplitude or strength of a signal.
Limiter: A circuit that limits the maximum level of a signal.
Line-of-sight: Preferred wireless operating condition where the transmit antenna is visible to receive antenna with no obstruction.
Log Periodic: Wideband directional antenna consisting of multiple logarithmic-spaced dipole elements.
Loss: Decrease in signal strength during transmission, propagation or reception.
Medium: Substance through which a wave propagates; for radio it may be vacuum, gas, liquid or solid; wave speed is affected by medium.
MP3: The most popular format for Compressed audio files. When an MP3 file is created, the encoding software discards some of the data that is deemed to be unnecessary or redundant. The more data that is discarded, the smaller the file size but the lower the sound quality. MP3 is an audio-specific format that was designed by the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) as part of its MPEG-1 standard and later extended in MPEG-2 standard.
Multitrack Recording: A method of recording where each instrument (or group of instruments) is recorded onto a separate track and later combined into a stereo mix. Common formats include 4, 8, 16, and 24-track recording.
Noise: Unwanted electrical or acoustic interference.
Omnidirectional Microphone: A microphone that picks up sound equally well from all directions.
Overhead Microphone: Microphones that are typically hung from the ceiling. Common applications are choir and theater miking.
PA – Public Address: Usually refers to a sound reinforcement system.
PAG: Potential Acoustic Gain is the calculated gain that a sound system can achieve at or just below the point of feedback.
Phantom Power: A method of providing power to the electronics of a condenser microphone through the microphone cable.
Polar Pattern (Directional Pattern, Polar Response): A graph showing how the Sensitivity of a microphone varies with the angle of the sound source, at a particular frequency. Examples of polar patterns are unidirectional and omnidirectional.
Pop Filter: A screen, typically made of nylon or other tightly-woven mesh, designed to prevent plosives (loud, low frequency thumps caused by the consonants “p” and “t”) from reaching the microphone.
Power: Usually refers to the RF power delivered to the transmitter antenna, measured in milliwatts (mW).
Propagation: Ability of radio signal to travel a significant distance.
Protected Channels: Designated TVBD-free TV channels at a given location, defined by FCC rules.
Proximity Effect: The increase in bass occurring with most unidirectional microphones when they are placed close to an instrument or vocalist (within 1 ft.). Does not occur with omnidirectional microphones.
Radio Waves: Electromagnetic waves that propagate a significant distance from the source.
RCV: Abbreviation for Receiver.
Receiver: Device that is sensitive to radio signals and recovers information from them.
Reciprocal: Property of a passive antenna to operate equivalently either in transmit or in receive mode.
Reflection: Retransmission of incident radio waves by metal objects.
Reverberation: The reflection of a sound a sufficient number of times that it becomes non-directional and persists for some time after the source has stopped. The amount of reverberation depends of the relative amount of sound reflection and absorption in the room.
RF: Radio frequency, generally taken to mean well above 20,000 Hz.
RFI: Radio frequency interference.
Ribbon Microphone: a dynamic microphone that incorporates a metal ribbon suspended in a magnetic field. Shure’s KSM313 and KSM353 mics are ribbon mics.
Rolloff: A gradua:l decrease in response below or above some specified frequency.
Sampling: Conversion of a continuous audio waveform into discrete digital values.
Selectivity: Measure of a receiver’s ability to discriminate between closely-spaced frequencies.
Sensitivity: The electrical output that a microphone produces for a given sound pressure level.
Shadow: Blocking of radio waves by reflective or absorptive (lossy) objects.
Shaped Response: A frequency response that exhibits significant variation from flat within its range. It is usually designed to enhance the sound for a particular application.
Shock Mount: A suspension system for mounting a microphone that reduces pickup of unwanted low frequency sounds caused by mechanical vibration.
Shotgun Microphone: An extremely directional microphone, commonly used in broadcast and film production applications.
Signal Processor: Any device or software plug-in that can manipulate the audio signal, in terms of level, frequency, time, or phase. Examples of signal processors include equalizers, compressors, delay (echo), and reverb. Signal processors can be used to correct problems with an audio signal, or for creative effect.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: Overall useable amplitude range of a signal or device, generally the difference between some reference level and the residual noise level.
Sound Reinforcement: Amplification of live sound sources.
Squelch: Circuit in a receiver that mutes the audio output in the absence of the desired transmitter signal.
Spectrum: A range of discrete frequencies.
STL: Studio Transmitter Link, in the US: 944-952 MHz.
Stereo: Two channels of audio, left and right, which can be used to simulate realistic listening environments.
Supercardioid Microphone: A unidirectional microphone with a tighter front pickup angle (115 degrees) than a cardioid, but with some rear pickup. Angle of best rejection is 126 degrees from the front of the microphone, that is, 54 degrees from the rear.
Transducer: a device that converts one form of energy to another.
Transmitter: Device that converts information to a radio signal.
TVBD: Television Band Device, sometimes called White Space Device.
TX: Abbreviation for transmitter.
UHF:: Ultra high frequency (about 300 – 3000 MHz).
Unidirectional Microphone: A microphone that is most sensitive to sound coming from a single direction – in front of the microphone. Cardioid and supercardioid microphones are unidirectional.
USB: An acronym for Universal Serial Bus, a standardized interface designed to allow many different types of devices to connect to a computer.. USB also can provide power to low-consumption devices, negating the need for external power supplies. There are currently three standards: USB 1.1, USB 2.0 and 3.0. USB 3.0 is found on all new computers. For audio applications, USB 3.0 (which offers much faster data transfer rates) allows many more channels of audio to be streamed to the computer at once. There is also a micro-USB that used very small connectors, found on cell phones and other small devices. And a newer USB-C connector that does not have a top or bottom.
VCA: Voltage controlled amplifier, used in audio compressor and expander circuits.
VCO: Voltage controlled oscillator, used in radio tuning circuits.
VHF: Very high frequency (about 30 – 300 MHz).
Wavelength: The physical distance between successive complete cycles of a wave, inversely proportional to frequency, dependent on properties of medium.
.WAV: A file extension that refers to a standard for storing audio data. Commonly referred to as a WAVE file, it is short for Waveform audio format. The most common WAVE file stores full, uncompressed audio for the highest quality.
White Space: Unoccupied space between active TV channels.
Wideband: An FM signal in which the deviation is much greater than the modulating frequency.
.WMA: A proprietary Microsoft Windows audio file format and file extension designation