
The Tone Is In The Purple Silks Club

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  • The Tone Is In The Purple Silks[TM] Club Membership

    People claim tone is in the fingers, the tone wood, the pickups, the cables, the humidity, the amp, the pick, the room, all kinds of crazy stuff. Some of us know that tone is in the purple silks! It's Science. You can't argue with Science. It's capitalized, so you know it's real.

    1. What happens in The Tone Is In The Purple Silks Club something something whatever.
    2. Have at least one bass guitar sporting purple silks (strings, stockings, garments, undergarments, whatever).
    3. Add yourself (or ask members #1 to add yourself) below if you qualify per rule #2.
    4. Do not change anything else on this page without permission from members #1.
    How to Join
    1. Have at least one bass guitar sporting purple silks (strings, stockings, garments, undergarments, whatever).
    2. Assign yourself any unassigned number you like. @dagrev and @Miles_ONeal share #1 as founding members. It's unnatural, but there it is.
    3. Pix are nice but optional.
    4. Add your member number to your signature! Official abbreviation is TTIITPSC . Feel free to use that or the Full name.
    1. @Miles_ONeal , @dagrev
    45. @GonePlaid
    42. @Stealth57
    666. @GBassNorth
    00. Gaolee (could be buckshot, could be steel wool, could be IQ)
    62. @RedVee
    "The Tone Is In The Purple Silks" is an unregistered trademark of The Tone Is In The Purple Silks Club.