Directly after delivery, the original description for the ad was removed. Seller claims ignorance of that.
I fellow TB'er with mad internet archive skills dug up the original description, made a screen shot and forwarded that to me. Attached below.
The original description in the ad mentioned that body binding was lifting in one place at the heal. In fact it is lifting in three additional places. The original description also did not mention that the bass was unplayable above the 12th fret. Ever note grinds out.
I pointed the issues out and the seller stuck by his guns saying that hw never noticed and that the bass played great for him all over the neck. Ain't no way...
Off to a luthier for eval. Hump in the neck ? High fret ? Either way the repair is on me.
Overall I would say be very careful with this guy.
Seller is Joseph Adato, currently of Colorado Springs, CO
I have 100% positive feedback here, Reverb, and EBay for over 20 years as a seller of many bass guitars. Why in the world would I intentionally try and fabricate, mislead, edit, deceive, etc now.? Doesn’t make any sense at all. The ad was described as honestly and accurately as possible, everyone’s playing and idea of what’s playable and unplayable is very subjective as we all know. The bass was very playable in my hands everywhere on the the neck. As far as editing the ad for some deceiving reason, that is a joke, the only edit I did was to try and upload additional pictures so I could have the main picture be a close up instead of a farther away one which in the end didn’t work. So as far as my sellers reputation and integrity, I’ll let you decide.
I am a buyer posting feedback on HueyFreeman as seller