Ads by 7StringBassist

My asking Price was way to high SO.... Looking at 400 + shipping or A Good 6 string bass run things by me my picture taking skills are shot...
Item Location
United States
Prefer Active but would consider passive they are going in a carlo robelli so id need the dimensions
Item Location
United States
If you dont know what modded means it means it can play any games from PS1 to NES now its in excellent condition with a clear case and memory...
Item Location
United States
Hartke Bass Attack DI practically brand new - 40 shipped to tb'ers Im asking 45 on local CL BP-80 Digitech good condition asking 30 shipped 65...
Item Location
United States
For sale wtb Rack Tuner
I'd like the korg series DTR series 2 or new 1000 model can have a little rack scratch as long as the face plate looks good no need to hurry but...
Item Location
United States