Feedback profile - austentaciousC

Feedback summary

Positive Positive
Neutral Neutral
Negative Negative
Feedback score
57 (+49 /1 /-7)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
Left for others
I am a seller posting feedback on austentaciousC as buyer
There seems to be a Trend with this seller to make a deal and then disappear. :(
I am a seller posting feedback on austentaciousC as buyer
Good transaction, comp'd for shipping to AK
I am a seller posting feedback on austentaciousC as buyer
Awesome TBer!! Great communication and fast payment.
I am a seller posting feedback on austentaciousC as buyer
Quick payment, good communication. A+
I am a seller posting feedback on austentaciousC as buyer
Awesome guy! Payed immediately!