Ads by Kwesi

Selling for a buddy. Buncha recording gear here for sale! Everything you see, you get - well, except the floor... and the wallls... and that...
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I'm ready to buy if you've got one.
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United States
New thread because old thread was... old :p. The bass is in good condition but it's clearly used. There's (~2 mm) mark on the back where solder...
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For sale Feedback Thread
Thanks for the JDI!
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United States
For sale WTB: Radial JDI
I've got money.
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United States
I've got money.
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United States
The M5 hasn't even been opened! It was given to me as a gift but with an M9 on the way and no receipt to be found for the M5 it's gotta move...
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United States
I need one last patch cable to complete my board and I'd like to keep things nice and matched. If anyone has a pair of plugs I've got cash :)...
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United States
Just got it a week ago and it's awesome but I want a wider tuner because it would make my board look more evenly distributed. ...No, I'm not...
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United States
Brand spankin' new and yours for $50 shipped in the CONUS.
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United States
This is one of the schweetest envelope filters around and it's only walking the plank because I'm picking up the pro version! I baby all my stuff...
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United States
I wanna buy one :D!
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United States
I miss mine and want one back, haha. A wired Hot Hand would be super sweet too!
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United States
I want one and I have money and stuff. For trade: BBE Supa Charger TC Electronic NM-1 Nova Modulator Fender American Deluxe Jazz FMT V Nintendo...
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United States
This power supply has served me well for the last 2ish years but to power the board I have in mind I'll need a little more juice so it's going up...
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United States
Won these strings in a contest but I didn't know it was for 4 stringers only. Strings haven't been touched. $32 shipped to the CONUS.
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United States
Just got the NM-1 (brand new, I haven't even put my foot on it, lol) yesterday and it is, literally, the only modulation pedal I could ever want...
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United States
Got it recently but I decided to save the synth for later (seeing as my whole board is big ol' synth) and finish out my modulation section. I love...
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United States
As awesome as this pedal is I've decided that I need a real synth. Chances are I'll pick up another one when I've got a little more cash to throw...
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United States