Purchased a Barefaced cab and the condition was even better than described, and all communications were clear and prompt. We met in person and had a nice chat, too. Great guy and great seller!
I am a buyer posting feedback on Lowendtech as seller
Love dealing with "lowendtech". Always a great hang and conversation. I always come away happy and more knowledgeable about gear after we deal together. Look forward to next time.
I am a seller posting feedback on Lowendtech as buyer
I contacted lowendtech and worked out a mutually agreeable transaction. Everything went extremely smoothly and easily. He was an absolute pleasure to deal with and displayed maturity, integrity and a good sense of humor. I highly recommend doing any dealings with him.
I am a seller posting feedback on Lowendtech as buyer
Traded one of my Berg AE 210's to Lowendtech for his NeoX112T plus cash. Great, honest guy and a pleasure to deal with. There will most certainly be some future trades/sales/purchases between us.