Ads by Philonius

$75 local for a decent little self contained unit. 'Seems to work OK for me, but it isn't getting any use, and I'm saving up my nickels for a...
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United States
For sale Carbon Fiber Rod
0.200" x 0.250" x 48" From here: <> I've decided that my current build project is going...
Item Location
United States
For sale PT Mini Minty
Hey All: $60 CONUS I've just replaced my PT Mini with a sweet custom job, which I've gotta post up soon. Meanwhile, the Mini is completely...
Item Location
United States
I've changed my mind on building a lined fretless neck, gonna go with Mikeyswood's stealth hidden lined design. Consequently, I now have a precut...
Item Location
United States
OK, if you want to make fun of me for owning this amp, have at it. OTOH, if you live in the Seattle area and maybe need a compact amp to park in...
Item Location
United States
You heard it right. Analogman Mini Chourus with internal Deep Mod and external Blend Knob. Would consider w/o the internal mod, but it will cost...
Item Location
United States
Only a few months old, and in like new condition. I got this after considerable obsessing over my choices, and liked Ovni's recommendation of this...
Item Location
United States
You've heard the story before. Bought this off a local TB'er for a little instant GAS gratification, then realized that I really don't have a use...
Item Location
United States
OK, let's see how this goes; not your average fare. I'm going to sell my Guild, cause it's just taking up closet space (that I hope to fill w/ a...
Item Location
United States