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Solo Bass Guitar

Solo Bass Guitar Videos
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A bass loop cover of Ennio Morricone's Ecstasy of gold in the style of skateboarding movies. So its more of a version than a cover. Gear used: Sequence: Korg...
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Loop cover of Hans Zimmer's massive tune 'Time' from the soundtrack of Inception. Gear used: Bass: G&L L2000 (late eighties) Pedals: Electro Harmonix Freeze,...
Eight easy steps to make as much as $8300 on Youtube today! Also a bass loop solo. For actual insight follow The Punk Rock MBA on all platforms! TPRMBA on yo...
Bass Guitar:Gökhan Yumuşakdemir Guitar:Muhammed Canbulut Drums:Mustafa Çınar Album download link: http://www.gokhanyu...
Charlie Puth Attention Bass cover Charlie Puth Attention 베이스커버 Tatchi 4 string bass, 타치 4현 베이스, #basscover #attention #charlieputh #타치베이스 #tatchi #bassguitar Enjoy the sounds!
Hi guys, This is Knocxx, bass player in Korea. I played the Pot for bass. Happy and Enjoy! Ibanez Soundgear SR-3000 Darkglass microtube B7K MXR M80 Bass d.i+
Bought a boss LS-2 today and did a little demoditty in the style of #royalblood Also pyjama bottoms.
Short cover of Propellerheads' song Spybreak from the Matrix OST. As you can see, my video editing skills are equal to none. Also, please someone donate me a...
The camera angles are as good as the singing. Full disclosure, did some vocal touchups. Didn't help. Too much multitasking.
Album download link: ht...
Album download link:
Album download link: Bass Guitar: Gökhan Y... Album download: equipment:ibanez rga... Album Download Links:
Album download link: Bass Guitar: Gökhan Y...
Live looping cover of Terminator 2 theme song. Drums are partly from Apple loops, partly programmed in Logic and partly from the Akai XR 20. My wife made the...
#Cookie Jar - Red Velvet 레드벨벳 베이스커버 Bass Cover レッド ベルベット ベース 베이스 커버 채널입니다. 주로 레슨곡이나 좋아하는 곡을 커버합니다. 쉬운곡부터 어려운 곡까지 다양하게 올려요 instagram : soulgi7 https://www.ins...
Trying Jam Origins Midi Guitar 2 with my well worn "63 Fender Jazz bass. The backing is generated by iReal Pro and the song is Autumn in New York . This is a...

Bass Solo

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