SG & EB Bass Club

Smooth. I want to fondle them. :)
A Maple board with black traps and binding on a SG bass would be epic. Gibson will do a Made to measure but I think it would be pushing 10k.

I almost bought a '70s Gherson (Italy) SG guitar copy a couple of months ago. Natural with ash body and maple neck, black dots...just plain lovely and quite inexpensive. However, I decided that I already own way too many 6-stringers so...
I'm assuming these are Korean or Chinese made. Interesting for the Fender style bridge PhotoGenic SGB-350 [nSm4635150] - 9,900円 :

[Pardon Our Interruption...]

Could play around with the name of this store, Hard Off, but best not go there he he
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The Kyoritsu group is apparently the Japanese wholesaler/ importer of the Chinese made budget SGB-350, which they supply to music stores throughout Japan. This a guitar version and the description mentions Kyoritsu.
Not sure if Kyoritsu still does Photo Genic though. Not mentioned in their brand list
Scope of Kyoritsu ops
Anyhow, cheap they may be, but kind of look nifty with that non gibson style bridge if you ask me
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Another budget brand in Japan with the non gibson style bridge, but sporting an MM style pickup is the ESP owned, Korean made, Grassroots G-VP-46B. Love the blue

The first SG Bass I've played was the Grassroots Viper. It played and sounded great, though I don't think it sounded like an EB-3.
And why can't I find a B-stock Photogenic in China? :bawl: Someone's been selling used Indonesian EB-0s for MORE than a used Chinese EB-3.