Bob Moore Links, Bob Moore Biographies, Bob Moore CD's, Bob Moore Tapes
The Bob Moore Story
If one copy of every record on which he performed were placed end to end along Nashville's Music Row, they would line both sidewalks of the one-mile stretch between the old Country Music Hall of Fame...
Leon Wilkeson=most underrated player ever to walk the Earth. Fact. Just listen to these brilliant lines!
And yes, I'm aware that Ed King played on the first album whilst Leon temporarily quit, but it was Leon who actually wrote those lines; Ed merely played them. However, he did play...
A few days ago, I discovered that someone from my old college scene had digitized a ton of old demos and live recordings of all the bands that we were in together. It was the first time in ages since I had heard this recording of my first real band from 1992. I had only been playing for about...
Saw them live at Tree's in Dallas. This kid is young, can't be older than about 20 years of age. I talked to him a bit on facebook, he said the way he got the gig is that John 5 was in LA looking for a bassist and he was coming to the school that Ian attended to take try outs. Apparently they...
Curious to know who is playing bass with James Brown and the J.B's in this clip from 1978. Ferocious speed, and very funky with that disco hi-hat thrown in. Absolutely love it.
Worked a show last night. Pro stage manager and crew. Killer Nexo line array setup, albeit minus one rack of amps that went into protect. The other rack was healthy though and was overkill by itself. Double 18's that can drop small buildings. I got to play eyes for the engineer working an...
I've been enjoying this album for a few years and can never find much info about the band. I've read somewhere that Ted Pecchio might have been the bassist, but I don't see Mr Tibbs on his creds. It also said he played bass on my favorite Derek Trucks album, "Already Free" which I thought Todd...
I find it's impossible to aspire to play a particular instrument or have that motivation to practice and be good at it without any sort of inspirational figure, be it a tutor or a famous solo artist or band.
I nearly gave up the bass because I couldn't find any inspirational figure after 3...
Al Turner releases "Simply Amazing" featuring Earl Klugh, Ray Parker, Jr., Barry Eastmond, Marlon McClain, Tom Braxton, Eric Marienthal, Marcus Anderson, Dav...