
  1. air_leech

    Bill Nash Basses Owner's Club

    recently it seems that there is a growing movement of Nash owners secretly meeting in small hidden threads. I say: no more! the time has come for Nash owners to rise up and take over the TalkBass bass guitar forums (that is untill Bill starts making reliced uprights and we can take over the DB...
  2. Ryan L.

    The Nordy Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  3. Ryan L.

    The Official Warwick Club Thread (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread: EDIT: To join this club, send a pm to Daywalker, not me!!! I simply restarted this thread, and have nothing to do with memberships!!
  4. Carver

    Jerzy Drozd Club

    Ok...This is long overdue. I know there are several of us here, so maybe we should start a little club!:D Club Members(in order of posting): 1. Carver 2. Debased 3. Ubone 4. Arbitrary 5. Munjibunga 6. RAM 7. Spencer! 8. BassNit Here's my latest: With the...
  5. W

    Thunderbird club

    Clones (Epi, Warmoth, etc.) are welcome. Mine is a Vintage Sunburst Epi. Has a darker finish than most Thunderbirds.
  6. magneezius

    Official Tobias Club

    So here it is. This started with this thread: http:/// So this will Be For Everything Tobias, Including MTD Basses and Gibson made Tobias. I will do my best to keep the thread up to date. PM me for Official Club Member Number. Lets see those...
  7. Haans

    The Fender Jaguar Club

    Okay, since it's clearly hasn't been done before: Behold, the Fender Jaguar Club is hereby officially founded. Post a picture, PM me for a number. I'll try to keep records ;) Below is a shoddy picture of my black Jag. I assume member #1 and lug is member #2 :) Get yer numbers now!
  8. MrWalker

    Matt Pulcinella Guitars Owner's Club

    I think Matt Pulcinella's great instruments deserve their own thread. I think these great basses are among the greatest value for money instrument out there. They are handbuilt in the US, and they cost half of what most other handbuilt American instrument costs (at least for now...). I've read...
  9. Soundchaser11460

    The Official U.S. Peavey Cirrus Club

    Hey guys,I want to put a part two to the U.S. Peavey Club,not meant as a sequel or replacement,but a little more specific for all of us Cirrus owners.Please let me know what you think of this.I have noticed for a long time here on Talk Bass,there not only being brand name clubs for the bass...
  10. nalapit13

    Guild Pilot bass club?

    is there one on here already? if not i want to start one? anyone wanna join? i own 10 of them and can't seem to stop buying them. :bassist:
  11. A

    The "Official" MTD (non-US made) Club thread - Show them off !

    OK guys. I haven't seen an MTD (non-US) club thread here yet, so I will start the thread here so we can all post our pics etc. or our Grendel's, Beast's, Saratoga's, Kingston's, Zephyr's etc. Modifications etc. Here is my 2005 MTD Saratoga 5. Translucent Cherry with Bartolini pickups, preamp and...
  12. Snakeman1066

    ESP Club?

    Noticing a lot of people here knocking ESP what gives? Kinda burns my butt as i have two (F series and a B series)and love them both.... any other ESP owners out there? getting kind of lonely here out here by this sea of P and J Fenders and Musicman
  13. oddio

    Wal Bass Club.

    What's with all the "clubs" on TB lately. I guess I better start the Wal club here now so I can claim #1 for myself. No objections? Thanks! Just what I need - more work! :) If you wanna sign up you prolly better post yer piccies! :bassist:
  14. tombowlus

    MTD "Marilyn Club"

    Well, there seem to be enough of us now to start a club, eh? My particular Marilyn is #3, but I'm claiming OFFICIAL Marilyn Club Member #1. :smug: So, you know the drill, if you own a Marilyn, post your pics here. #'s 2 and 3 have been reserved, but after them, your number is assigned in the...
  15. R

    Mahogany Club!

    Hi! It's time for mahogany club. I know that there is MANY mahogany lovers. I'm one of them :smug: I thing that it's sound the best of heavy woods. It gives cool sound and feel. ***SHOW YOUR MAHOGANY BASS *** Here is my mahogany bass (koa top, rosewood middle, mahogany bottom )...
  16. Soundchaser11460

    U.S. Peavey Club

    Hey guys I am starting a U.S. Peavey Club here at Talk Bass,please let me know if you are interested.Thanks Joe:cool:
  17. Fender32

    The "Official" Black 'n' Maple Basses Owners Club thread.

    OK folks :smug:, the time has come for The ... (logo courtesy of ponticat) I've seen (and posted in) so many threads where the subject of "colour-schemes" comes up and it seems that the combination of a glossy black body, with a maple fretboard is one that unites many TBers in pure...
  18. Ryan L.

    The Reverend Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  19. Ryan L.

    The Ibanez Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  20. Ryan L.

    Official Lakland Owners Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  21. Ryan L.

    The Official Skjold Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  22. Ryan L.

    Sei Owner's Club (Part 2)

    Continued from this thread:
  23. mattpnolan

    Godin Club

    Well, I never thought I'd be the one to start something like this, but that was before I found a bass that I really "clicked" with. I traded a 4 string fretless a couple months ago for a Godin BG-5, my first 5 string bass. I had played 5 string basses before, but I never owned one. I was...
  24. chutsk10

    The Geddy Lee Jazz Club!

    So since "clubs" appear to be popular here on TB and it also appears Geddy Lee Jazzes are popular here, so would it be out of line to make a Geddy Lee jazz Club? Show em off! I realize they will all be identical but I can look at thousands of pictures of this bass. Modded Geddies welcome...
  25. Bernie Connors

    Club Alleva Coppolo

    Since Ken's thread was taken over long ago by Alleva Coppolo fans, I thought it would be fitting to have a thread devoted to them. I'll own an LG5 one day. So I'm in the curious fan category right now. We also have owners on the board so we have a good mixture. So show off your basses...
  26. acleex38

    Birdsong Club

    Never started a club before, but here we go. This club is for TBers who own one or more Birdsong basses (or for that matter, anything, guitar or bass, built by or modified by Birdsong's Scott Beckwith in his years of working on instruments). CTBass&Birdsong/Ben is member #1 if he wants it...
  27. username n/a

    P-Bass Club

    P.M. me for your numbers Rules can be a any brand must have a split singlecoil pickup or vintage p-bass singlecoil can have more than one pickup but must have a split singlecoil or vintage p-bass singlecoil no mark hoppos bass's must somewhat look like a p-bass must post pics to get a...
  28. WarriorJoe7

    Twelve String Club - 12 String Octave - Post em'

    I couldn't find a club for this so I decided to make one. I'll post my former 12 string later. People should be able to find this by typing in "Twelve String" or "12 String" Joe
  29. Chronicle

    The Rickenbacker Club!

    I'm not sure if there's a Rick club yet, but i looked in search for a good 20minutes! Post your Rickenbackers! Then put your member number in your sig! :P Numbers will be handed out if you don't know how to count :P Rick copies are okay too! (Currently my Rick needs new truss rods which are...
  30. Quadzilla

    Club F-Bass!!!!

    Since every other bass maker / manufacture has a "club" thread out here, I figured why not F-Bass? Here are mine. An early example - a 1990 F-Bass BN4 (not very pretty for an F-Bass, but my favorite bass in my arsenal to play) and my 2005 F-Bass BN5 (very sweet)! Let's see and hear about...
  31. Bernie Connors

    The Nordy Club

    This is for all the Nordy fans out there. Whether you're an owner, looking to have one built or just curious about them. Post pics and specs of your Nordy if you have them! :) Here are the specs and a pic for mine... Nordy VJ5 Alder Body Two Tone Burst Rosewood Board Nordstrand...
  32. DaveAceofBass

    Kinal Owners Club--Custom to be built

    Well, since my good Linc Luthier bass is out of commission for the time being, I'm going to have Mike Kinal build me another bass. I was speculating on a CB Bass or a Nordstrand, but they're talking about a year long waiting list before it's even started. I need a workhorse bass and Mike is...
  33. SamJ

    The Fender MIA Club turns 100!!

    Well, I started this pride in the US Made Fender club back when I was more bitter about the attitudes some had about Fender and their American made line... but now I'm a lot less stressed about it, but it seems like as a result of my founding the MIA club, we've not got some 5 or 6 other clubs...
  34. brandinstroy

    Fodera Club

    I have not seen this but was wondering if there was a fodera club in the house? I dont know how they all work but thought it would be great for one to start so we can see all of those who have one on talkbass.
  35. B

    Squier Owners Club

    I am not aware of an "Official" Club for us squier owners. While many say "meh" to the lesser of fender's domian, I say the're great first basses and many of us have held on to ours! (Ill have some pics up of my first bass, an MB-4, soon) PM me and I'll get you on the list ASAP! PS...Pictures...
  36. IconBasser

    Carvin Club

    ok guys, all hail teh Carvin!!! heres mine:
  37. OwO

    Official JPBASSES Club

    let's begin the show :
  38. F

    Official ESP club

    Well seeing as I can't seem to find a ESP bass club...and yes I did search. I figured I would post a thread to double check and see if I can get any response. Show em' if you got em'. :bassist: below is my LTD it..main bass. EMG HZ's ,3 band Active EMG EQ, Neck through...
  39. nubs

    the new official Lakland owners club

    the new official Lakland owners club it time, lets get together guy/gals and start our own Lakland Owners Club..... PM me if you want to be a member... I will start here is mine..
  40. MadMark5

    The CORT Club!!!

    I know they don't get a lot of love, considering how many people come up to me at shows with the same 2 questions: 1)what kind of bass is that? followed by... 2) that's a CORT?? I always make them play it, and 100% of the time people are amazed that it is INDEED a Cort and plays really...