
  1. keyofnight

    Ampeg PF-50t… NFB Mods?

    Hey folks! Last year I performed the legendary @mnats/@Bertr "humbuster" mod on my PF-50t. This was such a great mod, and I'm glad I did it. Now, I'm trying to figure out if there are other mods I can do. I've been really interested in mods that add high frequency content to the signal… so I'm...
  2. krovx

    Finding someone to change Jazz routes to MM pickup routes

    I have a bunch of jazz basses and want to add some MM to the mix. I know I could just buy one, but the only production one that I dig is the Corvette $$. I still need to do some measurements about what I want. I can't find anyone local. Is there someone I could pay on here that could? If so, how...
  3. S

    New Electronics what do I need to know?

    I have an old Cort GB4A that I have been playing for 10 years. I love the feel of the bass and prefer the sound to any Ibenez or squire bass that I have played. The electronics have been giving me problems for some time and it has reached the point where I have to replace the preamp. Seeing as...
  4. handofdoom95

    P-Bass humbucker modification

    I’m currently playing a Fender Roger Waters signature that is set-up in C Standard, I play a lot of stoner/doom and am looking for a insane heavy and deep, dark sound! I was thinking of putting a humbucker at the neck to achieve this. has anyone done this? I’m not really familiar with pickups so...
  5. Kerem Koseoglu

    NBD! Fender 60th Anniversary Precision Bass!

    Well, here we go with yet another NBD post. Let's start with a teaser photo. I have found this bass online. The (ex-) owner accepted one of my idle basses as a partial compensation, which is nice. The bass has some dents and scratches, but that's part of the mojo of having a mean old P-Bass...
  6. ZombiiBass

    Fender Mustang PJ Modification to V/V/T?

    I just got a new Fender Mustang PJ Bass. I like the size and the playability, but I am thinking of swapping out the pickups. I was thinking of changing the pickups to EMG Geezers or Basslines. Has anyone done away with the three-way switch and replaced it with a tone knob so that the...
  7. fergybass

    Ampeg SB-12 1969 Modification Question

    An Ampeg SB-12 came my way with no cabinet, so I got one from the folks at flip tops. Turns out the amp is modified and I think it's overpowering the standard speaker. from the photos here, can anyone hazard a guess about the modifications? Two extra caps and a very large transformer on top - so...
  8. fergybass

    Ampeg SB-12 1969 Modification Question

    An Ampeg SB-12 came my way with no cabinet, so I got one from the folks at flip tops. Turns out the amp is modified and I think it's overpowering the standard speaker. from the photos here, can anyone hazard a guess about the modifications? Two extra caps and a very large transformer on top - so...
  9. Silverface

    Double Bass Neck heel crack, fingerboard modification, no budget...

    Yeah, I can see repair persons hoping for a good laugh - or just running for the hills!:woot: This a is a continuation of a "string tension" thread I started about 8 months ago. Briefly, I bought a damaged Upton Hawkes to help a friend, repaired it, and installed low-tension strings because of...
  10. Rainus

    Pink 5 string Jazz bass modification

    I bought this Squier 5 string active deluxe bass (Black) a few months ago and loved it, sounds great and plays really well, fret board is a triple lane highway wide but is surprisingly comfortable! I've never really been into the black on black design, fit and finish on this was really good but...
  11. Gbass75

    New bass coming my way... modification questions!

    Hey, Y'all... so it seems I'm about to be the fourth owner of a beautiful Jazz Bass that was first advertised here on TalkBass some years ago... SOLD - FENDER JAPAN jazz bass 65 Reissue ...I picked it up off of; where the seller warned me that the neck is VERY thin. I decided to...
  12. roller

    What's the best modification you've made?

    Excluding strings, what's the best modification you've made to a bass guitar that resulted in an improvement to the sound?
  13. BunchyMutt

    Schrodinger's mod

    Skip down to the last paragraph if it's TL;DR If you put a pedal that doesn't currently have an expression pedal input (but you really want it to) into a box along with some radioactive material and close it, then the pedal both has and does not have an expression pedal input. That's how this...
  14. maturanesa

    Tapewounds: Nut slots modification, Is it worth it?

    Just want to try a Tapewound set but since they are larger i should trim the nut in order to make more room in the slots... For anybody that did it, can you keep using the same nut if you come back to a "normal" set? Because my custom bass have an extremely small spacing im using a custom...
  15. Jason2746358

    Peavey Fury Modification Help!!

    Hello everyone! I recently bought a 1991 Peavey Fury and I want to mod it however I'm not too sure about what the measurements of this bass are. I emailed Peavey's customer service and was told to take it to a luthier to get my answers. I want to avoid this because there is only one repair shop...
  16. Don Kasper

    Double Bass ONE-derwood Pickup modification

    The ongoing Underwood "1 element or 2 element" discussion prompted me to see if I could adapt my unused "second element" that I removed to make my "1 element" Underwood Pickup. (For that, I simply cut off the G side element and adapted it using an old Fishman BP-100 afterlength mounting system...
  17. skinrughailey

    Bass makeover. Advice appreciated!

    Okay. I'm currently in the process of modifying my bass. I'm starting with a 2003 Fender American Standard P Bass. I bought it new in 2003 and have owned it exclusively since then. I've already replaced the pickguard and a bit of the hardware. The body of the bass is chrome red, and the new...
  18. Pbassmanca

    Mesa M9 Carbine Mod? Possible?

    Being the kind of guy that really doesn't have a lot of knowledge about the inner workings of bass guitar amplifiers, I suddenly had a thought that occurred to me. I wonder if it's possible to have my Mesa M9 carbine modified so that it will send the 600 watts to 8 ohms instead of 4? I'm not...
  19. Roy Royerson

    What Should I Do With My Peavey T-40? Mod?

    Well Talkbass, I need your help. I'm getting my old 1981 peavey t-40 back in good shape. It's just been waiting for new frets, a repair on the jack and was out of commission for a couple years now as I've been neglecting it. Anyway I'm going to take it in the shop and get all the work it needs...
  20. ThaCoast

    Bass builds: My own & for clients (friends)

    Greetings, For over a year, i've been focusing on a gibson grabber inspired build for my dad. Since high school, i've been figuring out what to do for my short scale trash bass build. & just recently, i started building a thunderbird bass with a few design changes to be opposite of my...