
  1. Matthew_Vaughan

    Ampeg SVT-VR LOUD static noise when turned on

    I have scoured the internet and this forum, but it seems every post is about a different problem with their SVT-VR. When I turn my amp on from standby, sometimes there will be a very, very loud static noise coming from it no matter how the volume knob is set. It doesn't do it all the time, but...
  2. Sapatown

    Pedal trouble

    Hey! My guitarist have a problem. Why do his pedal turn on another pedal when he stomps it. He use Hall of Fame 2, one self made echo, and a Ugly Twin by Damnation Audio. When he turn off the Ugly Twin fuzz, the echo pedal turns on by itself for some reason.. Or if he turns on HoF2 reverb...
  3. mrmakas

    Machine Head gear slipping

    Hi there. I just found out that two basses i own have the same issue with fender style machine heads. Both are under warranty and things are being handled, but out of interest, i tried to find out if anyone had similar problems and could not find any here on TB. Here is a link to my youtube...
  4. ChrisNoyesBass

    Genz Benz amp problem ( Background distortion, loss of low end, possible loss of signal)

    Hey Everyone, Searched here to see if someone already had my problem, but haven't found a solution that works. Heres my issue..... I have a Genz Benz ShuttleMAX 9.2 (which I LOVE). On my last two gigs, I've had disturbing issues with a loss of low end/signal and background crackly distortion...
  5. I

    Having (grounding? cable?) problems w/ pedalboard; super loud 30Hz square wave comes out of nowhere

    Hey y'all, I'm having this problem that's baffling me: something in my signal chain, whether it's a patch cable, a power cable, a pedal, or some mix of the three, is making an extremely loud 30Hz square wave under two different and seemingly unrelated circumstances. Do any of y'all know what...
  6. B

    Proco Rat low end problem

    I have a ProCo Rat clone (is the Little Bear version, with vintage, dirty and turbo switch). On guitar is amazing but on bass it sucks a lot of low end and when I use it in a pedalboard with my Green Big Muff the difference of low end is huge. My question is: Why I see it in a lot of...
  7. E

    Rumble 500 Combo Problem

    I have just purchased a Rumble 500 Combo Amp a few days ago. I'm familiar with rumbles and I have had countless hours of use out of several to know that they are a must have for my style and playing. I decided to go all-out and get the big one and out of my excitement I plugged it in and sat...
  8. Jimstyx

    Subconscious ABS

    So last night I totally had a dream I had 800$ free to use, First laughable thing In This dream, I went to GC and instead of walking out with a new bass for 800 I walked out with 3 Used squier vm jaguar Used peavy 4 Used schecter research 4 I think my brain is trying to tell me I have a problem
  9. H

    Markbass Super Synth clip-led always on

    Hello! I have a problem with my mb super synth. The clip-led stays lightly on all the time right after I power my pedals and something causes a bad noise to the audio signal also. Have anyone experienced the same? Do anyone have any ideas what could be wrong in my pedal? The situation is the...
  10. KeenVox

    Ampeg SVT-CL popping noise when switching standby off

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum. Pleased to be part of this awesome community. I've got a problem with my Ampeg SVT-CL and couldn't find any answer through the search function. Everytime I go from standby to playing I get two short pops from my cabinet. After that everything plays clean and...
  11. ChrisQuinn91


    Wondered what you guys thought of this? My local area has about 10 main venues to gig at. For the past 10 years we've played these places (as-well as out of town) with no issues. All our shows have gone down well and had a good turn-out. Recently this one booking agent has come along and...
  12. Vomicamonster

    Ibanez Roadstar II Pickup HAAAALLLLP

    I'm helping a friend with wiring an 80s Ibby. The cavity wiring is solid. There's an issue with the pickups sounding a little TOO thin/lowered output when switching out of series and into parallel/coil tap. He opened up the pup and found this. What do you guys think? Spliced wrong? Which is...