As for transporting 4 2x10s vs 1 8x10 (or a "fridge" cabinet), I feel this boils down to YMMV and there being more than one way to taxidermy your animal of choice.
The cab I had the most mileage with was a Kasino 2x15s loaded with original drivers (and later Eminence Legend CB158's). That cab was
easily over 100lbs, but had a rear handle and tiltback casters. I could tilt to load into my Honda Element or onto a stage, and when I encountered stairs I could push them up at an angle, or tilt and pull up one step at a time. Sometimes there was an elevator or someone offered to help. If it wasn't going to be a trek up a bunch of stairs, I could keep my Traynor YBA200 on top and my bass in a gig bag, making essentially one trip.
I'll also note that I am NOT a big guy by any means...5'7" and about 140lbs at the time I had the cab.
If stairs are involved, 4 cabs means 4 trips for me. If I wanted to carry two at a time, even a cab with lots of carryness (
), cabs jutting out to the sides means I'm very likely to put holes in a wall or bump into someone/something. 4 trips up the stairs is still 4 trips up the stairs...I'd rather get it done in 1, personally, but that's me.
Have to state though, no matter where you go,
you're still transporting an 8x10. There's no modular piecing things out (2x10 for small gig, two 2x10s for larger ones, etc..) with the 8x10. If you're frequently playing multiple size gigs, go modular
for sure.
Unless you KNOW that nothing short of an 8x10 will do for all of your gigs, I'd go modular and get multiple 2x10s. Or if you just wanna look really boss on stage, get the 8x10s and be a happy thumper