There is no denying that Idol has had more people become successful. Underwood, and Clarkson come immediately to mind. So as far as intent, Idol has the upper hand, hands down.
The differences are pretty open book. In Idol there is an age limit, they put in the horrid people as a joke, for pure television entertainment value which I'm sure they thought was droll but I thought was mind numbing and a pointless waste of time. I see them as the corporate machine turning out boy bands and bubblegum pop. Vacuous "popular now" merchants, if you will. ( I understand of course that Idols success stories have been anything but those things - my hypocrisy shows through with my broad generalization
The Voice is done blind, they build character stories (also for entertainment value, I know, but it's more interesting to me) and makes for more drama as you or I find ourselves attaching to certain persons. (Again, I concede it's purely entertainment, and also concede I like that more than the "comedy" offered up by Idol) I see The Voice as taking in garage bands who are looking to take that next, big step. They meet a guy who knows a guy (the judges). The attitudes are markedly different too. Some people enjoy the mean and the snark. I'm not one of them. Never have been. I find Cowell obscene, self absorbed and unwatchable. The family-like banter of The Voice is at once familiar and engaging to me. Blake and Adam could just as well be my brother and I on any given day.
So it comes to this; the one year... the ONE, that I watched of Idol they had Crystal Bowersox who was easily the best and who should have won. Instead they went with a dude who was little more than a karaoke singer. I know it's done by vote, but I cannot, for the life of me, see how anyone could have went with that guy over her. I keep hoping she will show up on The Voice along with Kina
She needs to get back into the mainstream too. Dammit.