Am I crazy to want a MIA Fender Prec V
Not at all. Lots of bass players have both a Jazz and a P bass.
Am I crazy to want a MIA Fender Prec V
I had one (the first production year they came out) for a very long time, and deeply regret trading it.
Just bought a MIA Jazz V,and I just love it. But recently I feel if I had a brand new Fender Prec bass along with it would make me all set. I don't want the Elite which sounds darker in passive mode but the classic passive Fender bass.
As I have been playing 5 strings for many years and I would like the Prec bass to have the same neck as my Jazz 5 so switching between the two basses would be easier. Am I better just being happy with my new Jazz bass?
I'm trying to get my local store to get my one of the Hi-Mass bridges off the new Dimension V so I can put it on a VM P.If you want to see if the P5 is really what you want the Squier Vintage Modified Precision 5 is very close to the American Standard . Not much difference in the sound at all and the neck profile is very close . If you can afford the Fender and don't want a Squier by all means get it but the VMP5 is so close many who have them think the Fender is isn't worth the extra dough .
Here's a pic of mine next to the American Standard Jazz I had . They both played about the same , great all the way up the neck .
No, you are not crazy. Great basses, they are. There is a good deal in the TB classifieds right now. Please go buy it so I don't do anything rash like trade my beloved Lakland 55-64 for it.
For Sale/Trade - 2015 Fender USA American Standard Precision V P5
I've seen the P5 go as low as $875 in the Classifieds. If you can find one of those, snag it, play it and flip it if you don't like it all that much.
The only reason why I don't have a P5 is because it will probably put my EBMM SR5 in it's case... I love my SR5 but if there was a Precision 5 in the house...
Avid P5 fan here,... Do it,... You will not regret it!
A P5 is the music equivalent of Barossa Shiraz.