Awful noise when slapping the E string

.....waiting for the OP to get back to us with his findings. I’m in the loose p’up camp, but it could be occasional string/pole piece contact.

Come back and tell us what you found.

I can’t slap for nothing, my skill set includes pick and fingers, but I harbor no ill will towards those that do. I do enjoy quite a bit of music that utilizes slap, it has its place and it’s awesome when the song benefits from it.
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Make a little joke and the slapping elitists come out. Just because you can play slap bass doesn't mean you are a better bassist. A good bassist recognizes the right tool for the job: fingers, slapp, pick. Whatever you need to do for the song. I happen to use all three as needed. There is no insecurity. There is no looking down the nose. It's a style of bass (that I don't love) but is part of our four (five and six) stringed world. Have at it! Enjoy it! Yay you slap the bass all the time! Just don't be a d*ck about it and take a joke.

I agree with you, but joking goes both ways too and if you're referring to my comment above yours, that was also meant as one, so take it as such. Quite frankly, I'm terrible at slapping but try when it calls for it, I don't criticize other players' style. Referring to music that often utilizes this technique as outdated may be meant as a joke but those who play funk music today might be offended by that.

Back on topic. curious to see what the op has come up with. Maybe take some pics really curious about the string height from the pole piece.
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Make a little joke and the slapping elitists come out. Just because you can play slap bass doesn't mean you are a better bassist. A good bassist recognizes the right tool for the job: fingers, slapp, pick. Whatever you need to do for the song. I happen to use all three as needed. There is no insecurity. There is no looking down the nose. It's a style of bass (that I don't love) but is part of our four (five and six) stringed world. Have at it! Enjoy it! Yay you slap the bass all the time! Just don't be a d*ck about it and take a joke.
Frankly, I thought the jokes were mostly kind of d*ck moves for a guy with a sincere question.
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It does sound like pickup slap, but have you checked the hardware? Is the truss rod tensioned or completely loose? Make sure pick guard/control plate screws and bridge mounting screws are all snug without a gap between body and guard/control plate. No loose pots on control plate. Good luck.
And I wasn’t joking Whenever I slap the e string, my bass does make an awful sound because I still suck at slap.
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There's a thread here that may have some other possible causes to look out for:

Could be the bridge saddle of the E string being set too low and not being enough tension to keep the saddle firmly on the bridge, so slapping the string would cause the saddle to "bounce" off the bridge making that sound.

The string could also be hitting the edge of the fretboard or fret if set too low or the neck is slightly out of whack.

Here's the thread.
Bass makes a loud clicking noise when I use slap style

Edit: and let's set this joking aside, I was guilty of it myself after getting riled by a few of the jokes, apologies to anyone who may have taken my retort the wrong way. We're all bassists and heck, be glad there's different ways to play the thing!
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