So this has nothing to do with the RD build, but it's in regards of my main bass: Sheena.
Little story behind it: my Main bass before this one was an Eastwood black, maple/maple pbass copy that i bought used in summer 2009 for 180$ + gig bag nicknamed RIOT bass since it was my main during the time i was on strike in cegep. It served me well & it's been through many fixes (i'm glad i decided to do all my fixes instead of paying someone
). But it was time to find a backup if ever Riot were to be out of play (my other basses are an epiphone thunderbird goth series, a logical Rick 4003 copy & an ibanez GaxB short scale). The goth doesn't have a gig bag or case for me to carry it around, the logical is too sentimental value to leave home & practice/gig with, & the GaxB has no tone definition.
One night in spring 2014, i ran into Orin, my RD bass build client, & we spoke a bit & he said he had an old pbass body that he wasn't using. So i picked it up, for 20$ & that included everything on it (it came with a red tort pickguard - very 60's). Then i found a used neck for 65$ maple/rosewood & it wasn't a perfect fit but i shimmed the neck pocket with a few popsicle sticks & it works. The headstock came pre shaped so i sawed off the treble ends, glued a piece of pine & cut out an inspired by ibanez black eagle headstock. While piecing it, i knew i wanted the big 70's fender style tuners, so i went to order some schallers - only to come back a month later to discover they'd only be in shop in november 2014. So i took my money back & in the summer i found them: Fender branded 70's tuners. Picked em up & installed them on the headstock that was newly finished. Bought a string tree, & a nut, filed it to jazz bass spacing & it was done...for now.
Fast forward til a few months ago: i had to reposition the neck cause the strings were to close to the bass side of the board, i rounded off the excess fretboard at the bottom cause i would always hit my index on it & it would hurt (can't you tell by the picture i play like Dee Dee Ramone
) Once that was done, today, i decided to make my headstock more fender like while keeping the sharp point. So i printed out 4 fender bass head templates: jazz standard, Jazz American vintage 75, Pbass American standard & precision American Vintage. & basically made a combination of all 4 & i gotta say, i love it much more than before. I guess if i stay in fender terms it went from the fat strat headstock found on tele deluxe & such, to a typical strat slim headstock.
Except the mods don't end there: In a few weeks, it'll have a high mass bridge (the original one is going onto one of my friends basses that needs much love & repairs), & i also plan on getting a pair of seymour duncan Hot for Pbass pickups to replace these ones.
Later on, i plan on getting ready made pieces & create Sheena's cousin: Loudmouth. Same visual look as sheena but with a maple/maple neck instead of maple/rosewood.
Yup, i'm a punk rocker at heart with a love of the classics! & this bass just makes it all better