I’ve always been a wheel guy. I’m also a side-driver, turning the bass bridge pointing left so that the bass plus me are in line and as narrow as possible. I steer it like a rudder. This gives me maximum control for navigating through crowds or narrow spaces. I never understood those players that wheeled their bass facing forward as if in a playing position. That creates the need for a wide swath of space to move forward and adds potential for damages. A wheel also adds a minimum of weight when I have to carry it up or down stairs. For me I’d never leave my bass standing unless secured face-in towards a corner. The bass has the greatest distance to fall when it’s standing. If I can’t find a corner I’ll rest it tucked away on its side.
I have friends who swear by the bass buggy but it just seems big, obtrusive, heavy and less maneuverable…
I have friends who swear by the bass buggy but it just seems big, obtrusive, heavy and less maneuverable…