Best rackmount compresor

Budget is up to 300

Personal pet peeve: Thread title asks "What's the best _____________ [insert item]?"
Budget not mentioned until later on in the thread.

Thread traffic would be much more targeted if the Thread title had been "What's the best _____________ [insert item] for $_______ [insert budget]?"

Yeah, I know, that's my problem... :)
ignoring the $300 limit (which is really low for a studio compressor) the only compressor i've used in the studio that doesn't suck the low end out of bass is the Empirical Labs Distressor.

Empirical Labs EL8 Distressor

it has the ability to add 2nd or 3rd order harmonics as well. $1300 a channel tho...

My Distressor is at the factory getting fixed.
I'd save a little and get this. Best bang for the buck.
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