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Bogus Scams

According to the assembled masses they are NOT legitimate concerns. They are thought at best to be misguided.

No, I don't have any security concerns here because I just assume the security is penetrable and act accordingly. Thanks for asking though.
Sure, a few folks believe your concerns lack merit, but I'm still glad you brought this up.
Good man. I work in cybersecurity as a job, and that is a recommendation I make to everyone who uses an electronic device of any kind that stores information about themselves. Especially those with network connectivity.

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If they can create a bogus Commercial User account with apparently no verification, as some have in the past, the site is not secure. If the site lets them do that, I will assume the bad actor can get to the personal information if they wish to.
That’s not how it works…. at all
The only safe device is one that is powered off, in a locked room, in a Faraday cage, with no network connectivity. And even then....
...and even then...
[type type type type type]
[cool 90s 3D wireframe graphic]
[type type type]

"i'm in!"

Why does this platform find itself incapable of shutting off scam interlopers? How secure is user credit card information?

Definitely two very different things being mixed up.

Scammers, spammers, bassists, and anyone else (even drummers!) who use the web application are subject to technical and administrative policies, and enforcement of those policies. If you couldn't create your own account and start posting with relative ease, Talk Bass would be empty. The same is true if the polices are too relaxed. Bad content would overwhelm the moderators, the site would fill up with garbage, and everyone would leave. Bad stuff creeps into TB here and there, but is dealt with immediately. In my opinion, TB has the best moderation of any social media platform.

We really don't have much insight to the cybersecurity posture of TB - nor should we. Most of the web applications used for online forums, such as WordPress, eventually become vulnerable to cross site scripting, input validation, and other cyber attacks. We complain that the software keeps getting updated and tweaks are always happening. But that shows that the TB folks are staying on top of things. That being said, I would never post private information here - even in direct messages.

Don't use the same login credentials on PayPal or your bank as you do here on social media. Logout of your bank's web site and restart your browser before returning to social media. Even better, use a completely different browser to login to your bank. Trust your bank with your payment data. Trust TB with bass discussions. Do not upload any privacy or payment information to social media.
convincing the buyer to pay friends and family (in violation of ours and PayPal's rules) and then disappearing with the money.

I thought the rule about F&F was changed to allow it? I know a lot of sellers want to avoid getting 1099K’s.

Out of curiosity, I went there and got this result: Pwned in 15 data breaches

Keep changing your passwords often, folks.
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I thought the rule about F&F was changed to allow it? I know a lot of sellers want to avoid getting 1099K’s.
They did briefly and we saw a rash of members being ripped off by scammers with no recourse. We still see it when they post according to the rules and then agree in PM to do F&F anyway for all the reasons "why should I pay 3% to PayPal for payment processing?" "I don't want to hassle with a 1099".

Buyer makes the payment, turns out the seller was a scammer and never actually owned the instrument. Both buyer and seller were involved in a fraud and there is no recovering the sometimes thousands of dollars that the buyer gifted to the scammer.

Complete Classifieds Rules

and the specific language:

"Due to the proliferation of scammers taking advantage of payment forms with no buyer protection, we are reverting our rules back to what they were previously.
Sellers can request either PayPal goods and services payments or Venmo payments where the buyer marks the payment as for goods and services. This is required in order to have the buyer protection plan be applicable to the buyer. Sellers – if you really want to use Venmo because saving that 3% is so important to you, then we are going to expect you to remind buyers to write their purchases are for goods and services and be willing to refund their money to them if they did not initially send it in that manner.

Sellers cannot say “net to me” or any permutation of it.

Sellers cannot tell buyers it’s their responsibility to cover PayPal fees.

Sellers requesting/offering deals for fee free payments in PMs will result in a ban."

There is a long thread with members complaining that PayPal should be a free service and we're not going to re-litigate that here. Sorry. If you saw what I saw in the reports section, you might feel differently.
They did briefly and we saw a rash of members being ripped off by scammers with no recourse. We still see it when they post according to the rules and then agree in PM to do F&F anyway for all the reasons "why should I pay 3% to PayPal for payment processing?" "I don't want to hassle with a 1099".

Buyer makes the payment, turns out the seller was a scammer and never actually owned the instrument. Both buyer and seller were involved in a fraud and there is no recovering the sometimes thousands of dollars that the buyer gifted to the scammer.

Complete Classifieds Rules

and the specific language:

"Due to the proliferation of scammers taking advantage of payment forms with no buyer protection, we are reverting our rules back to what they were previously.
Sellers can request either PayPal goods and services payments or Venmo payments where the buyer marks the payment as for goods and services. This is required in order to have the buyer protection plan be applicable to the buyer. Sellers – if you really want to use Venmo because saving that 3% is so important to you, then we are going to expect you to remind buyers to write their purchases are for goods and services and be willing to refund their money to them if they did not initially send it in that manner.

Sellers cannot say “net to me” or any permutation of it.

Sellers cannot tell buyers it’s their responsibility to cover PayPal fees.

Sellers requesting/offering deals for fee free payments in PMs will result in a ban."

There is a long thread with members complaining that PayPal should be a free service and we're not going to re-litigate that here. Sorry. If you saw what I saw in the reports section, you might feel differently.

^^^^Saved me a ton of typing. Thanks @TroyK.
If you saw what I saw in the reports section, you might feel differently.

I don’t feel differently at all, I was just curious. I obviously missed the change back when it was announced.

P.S. I used to moderate a forum site that basically died after being overwhelmed by spammers and scammers. At one point we were getting a half dozen pages full of spam posts every day for about two months. All the regulars just stopped coming. I spent about two hours a day clearing out the posts and banning the “new members”. Moderation aint for sissies :whistle: