Bought a cab....and it smells horrible. Any suggestions?

For what it's worth, I got a hard case years ago that reeked of cigarette smoke whenever I opened it. I hosed it down with Febreze several times over a month or two and then kind of fell off on the effort. Every time I would open it I would get another whiff of the smoke and Febreze it again. After a couple years it now smells like Febreze whenever I open it :D If I were doing it again, I would probably try the red bottle of Nature's Miracle first.
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Boy, ain't that the truth.

A few years ago, I found an apparently new, fur-lined, five-guitar stand on the side of the road.
Why on earth would someone throw away such a treasure?

Took about fifteen minutes in my living room for the answer to become apparent.

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I had a skunk going through my backyard every night a couple of weeks ago and hit him with my own chemical warfare; a bucket of water heavily laced with Harissa (North African hot pepper paste!) and haven't seen,heard or smelled him since :hyper:.
if you've got a back yard that's sealed off from invaders stealing it, leave it out in the sun for a day

I'm not a smoker, but I can't get my head around returning an item that smells like smoke, LOL.
at least if it still sounds good
My logical mind knows you are not lemmy as much as I know I'm not homer but I can't help thinking lemmy is saying the words you're writing when I read your posts. Thus when you say you're not a smoker I see you holding a cigarette right there and the disconnect throws me.
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Years ago I bought an SWR Electric Blue head. It smelled like smoke upon arrival. Seller said "oh yea, I just gigged it". OK. So I pulled the amp out of the wooden / rat-fur covered case and wiped it down with a Fabreeze cloth. I sprayed the outside and inside of the case with Fabreeze. After a few days it was much better.

Within a week it was gone. No more smell.
It will eventually degass and not smell. I played in bars when they were still smoked in, and toured in some states where they still smoke. Gear will reek for a while but left in a non smoke environment, they will quit smelling after a month or so without any further work.

I've bought a few basses that stunk from ciggies and with the cases left open and guitar in a stand, they quit smelling in less than a month
Guy should have disclosed but I actually had the same problem once. Here is what I did. I started by wiping the outside down with a damp warm paper towel. Then I rubbed the thing down with fabreeze. I repeated this process for about a week. The smell did begin to dissipate. I did this a few more times over a few months and eventually the smell went away. Also If you gig with the cab, put the windows in your car down.

If you decide to keep the cab, unfortunately, this will not be a quick process but over time the smell will dissipate.
On a similar note... I had an SWR Goliath 4x10 back in the day. I found out months later that my pet ferrets were climbing in the back port and sleeping inside. Now ferrets are distant cousins of skunks and have a similar, yet much less pungent smell. It was on the very loud gigs that my cab used to stink up the stage. I blamed the smell on our drummer's poor diet.
That cat would have been a stud in the seventies. "My friends call me Blaze. What's your sign?"
I have an Ozone great for most all things but first, clean with very strong ammonia solution or vinegar solution with can bleach bare wood and spray with clear poly after exposing to Ozone.

Clean it multiple times.....its not that hard usually.

You would be surprised how many high end vintage guitars have cleaned up cigarette smoke on guitars and amps.

I have worked in the car business for 25+ years you would be amazed the smells that can be eliminated.

One time a dealer bought a car filled with dog feces, piss and dog hair....on top of that the dude committed suicide in the back seat and was there for days.....the car was stripped inside and new seats and carpet (from a salvage) installed after a thorough cleaning, sprayed with clear poly on metal surfaces and Ozoned multi times.....milk and blood can be nearly as bad or worse than cat or dog feces if it sits in the heat.....its basically all protein stains.
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In the early 70's I bought a nice Dodge van for super cheap from a FISH MARKET. The seller assured me that painting the interior would take care of the (considerable) FISH odor. I did and it took care of 95% of the problem. However, the seats retained a residual effect that as long as I owned it would prompt rude questions as to who and what I had been up to recently in said van.
Epilogue: I rolled it in an ice storm, luckily, on the way to picking up the equipment for a gig. Totalled. Made it to the gig in another vehicle only to find the joint had been raided by the police and shut down that day.
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Ozium spray which you can pick up at Walgreens in the car section and air spray section or at any good auto supply store eats up smoke and works! They also sell a can that you can put inside the cab that will suck it all out and get it back to normal. Here is a link to their canister that you can use. I used to the spray when customers smoked when I drove a limo way back in the day. I also used to use it after fish bowling my car back when I was young and crazy lol.

Shop Houzz | GOSO Direct Ozium Smoke & Odors Eliminator Gel, Home & Office Air Freshener, Original - Home Fragrances
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