Broken Pinky Finger

Low Commotion

Supporting Member
Dec 31, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
My pinky finger on my right hand doesn’t function properly and it sticks out all the time. I can’t pull it into my hand, in other words, it won’t curl up into my hand.

I’ve had two separate incidents in the past while working, The first incident I cut the tendon that pulls the finger in, so now my pinky stays straight. Years later, the second incident I broke a couple bones in my hand, so now my pinky bends back in the normal state.

These injuries haven’t affected my playing, but it looks weird when I play - my pinky sticks out and doesn’t naturally curl up along with my ring finger. For the most part this doesn’t bother me except when I see pictures or videos of me playing. In fact, for a number of videos, I taped my pinky to my ring finger so it wasn’t so obvious.

My main band recently won the local blues challenge and our band is off to Memphis in January for the International Blues Challenge. I think we would play a 25 or 30 minute set for each round, so it’s not a long time.

Should I be concerned for the competition in Memphis, and tape it or make something to keep my finger curled up? I wouldn’t want to lose marks for presentation. Or am I making a big deal out of something insignificant?

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I've never been in a competition blues band, though I've played my fair share of the genre, so I'll leave it to the competition pros to answer that part, but I imagine you should go with what is most comfortable, because that is what will make you play best. The blues ain't really about having the most proper technique or how you look. You're your own worst critic and and that extends to how you look on stage. If you sound good, I don't think anyone will have any reason to take points off because of your pinky sticking out.

It does bring some fanciness to the occasion!