Ok. I guess I’ll do this even though I usually feel like I’m just doing things I learned from everyone else on here.
This thread is going to be in the spirit of @Andii Syckz and the right @reverendrally (where are you reverend? I enjoyed your threads.) and be more a record of stuff, probably mostly for me.
There will be some new stuff and some done stuff. Some repairs and some building and probably some miscellaneous woodworking. Even some non-bass instruments! Hopefully that doesn’t run me afoul of the ban hammer…
Hijacks, as long as they’re amusing, are ok and you’d probably have to make some effort to be less amusing then me…
This thread is going to be in the spirit of @Andii Syckz and the right @reverendrally (where are you reverend? I enjoyed your threads.) and be more a record of stuff, probably mostly for me.
There will be some new stuff and some done stuff. Some repairs and some building and probably some miscellaneous woodworking. Even some non-bass instruments! Hopefully that doesn’t run me afoul of the ban hammer…
Hijacks, as long as they’re amusing, are ok and you’d probably have to make some effort to be less amusing then me…