Can we have a Band Name Thread?

Ok, here is what we did in a prior band. We looked for something totally random. Ended up being a suburb street sign, Bishop Lane.

Now the fun part with something that random is that each time someone would ask how we got the name, we would make up a story on the spot :laugh:

Bishop Lane? That is the street where John Lennon met Yoko. We kind of adopted it in an ironic way.

Bishop Lane? You don’t know that? That was the street in Los Alamos NM where Oppenheimer lived when they developed the A bomb.

Isosceles Popsicle

Not my doing. There was a band when I was real young, in early early 70's, that had that name.
Now that's a coincidence. Your post appears just below my previous one.

A friend of mine who has been collecting records relentlessly for over 50 years sent me this link the other day,. He'd bought out another collector's holdings, and this was in there.

It's on Verve. They'd had a couple of mysterious (to the label A&R guys) modest hits with the first few Mothers of Invention albums, so they must have been signing bands with weird names, hoping lightning would strike twice.

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