Canadian Basses...

Love this bass! Totally Knayjin company.

All passive. Just over 8 pounds. Super fast and comfy satin neck.
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The only Canadian basses I've bought were a couple of Pierre Laporte customs. Was never a fan of the look of Dingwalls or F basses (as good as they might be, they're just not my cup of tea looks-wise). Nothing else on this side of the border has really grabbed my attention (although Pierre Erizias from Montreal does some nice work). I'm sure there are plenty of independent luthiers producing solid work, but I still look mainly to the U.S. when it comes to feeding my GAS.
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I'm USAican, but I have two Canadian basses, my Larrivee fretless 6 and my MF headless 5. Both wonderful basses, can recommend both companies (though Larrivee may be US based now, I think I heard?)
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