The title says it all. Obviously, the type of compressor that one actually ends up using will be program dependent - We choose our tools based on the needs of the moment - but if you're like me, your ears and hands prefer the action of a certain TYPE of compression tool. Myself, I love playing with optical comps. I dig the squish and the way the optical compressors I've used sort of "push back" against me. It's like playing in a bouncy castle at the fairgrounds in summertime, except I'm playing bass and there are no clowns, cuz eff that business. I saw the movie "IT" as a child and have never been able to look a clown in it's beady little eyes ever since.
...Anywayyyyy, what is your preferred compressor type? VCA? Optical? FET? Tube? What kind of juice do you like with your grooves?
...Anywayyyyy, what is your preferred compressor type? VCA? Optical? FET? Tube? What kind of juice do you like with your grooves?