So at this point I'm considering the idea of going in here something I've always been against. I'm tired of never been able to hear our singers back up singers and my guitar player I'm tired of relying on morons who call themselves soundman / monitor guys so I'm thinking maybe I should try this. The problem is I have absolutely no idea how this works. I use a wireless so I'm familiar with the basic concept of Wireless but I don't know what I would need. Do I need a separate mixer do I need this do I need that. I have no idea what would be a good brand without spending a fortune I use Line 6 stuff for my bases and vocal mics and it sounds great I like it I want something that simple but sounds good and I have a poopieload of inputs we have three singers across the front to back up singers a drummer guitar player base and I need to be able to customize the mix how do I do this? What do I need. Thank you for your help