Copper foil tape - more for less

I just read the Spark Fun datasheet, and it ends with, "shelf life is 6 months." Damn. Maybe I'll try vacuum sealing it...

It's been a good 11 months since I got the stuff, and it took longer than I thought to finish the Stew Mac roll. I just did my first shielding job with the Spark Fun tape, and even though I didn't vacuum seal it and it's over it's "shelf life," it out-performed the Stew Mac tape in conductivity and stickiness. Thumbs up!
I bought some 8.5x11 sheets of copper foil off eBay, found it was so thin that it was nearly impossible to use without shredding it. I’ve also bought stuff that was clearly past its shelf life, the adhesive was nearly dried. Kind of a crap shoot until you get it. I may try the conductive paint next time.
Nobody should be buying any shielding supplies from Stew Mac, it is over-priced and their paint, especially, is low-quality. Get your copper tape elsewhere (slug and stained glass copper tape are not conductive adhesive). If you use paint, use MG Chemicals Supershield. It is a high-quality product for a more reasonable price.
The Spark Fun tape is 2" x 50' for $14.95
The Kraftex tape link is 2" x 18' for $14.90

The Spark Fun tape is a crazy value, but maybe you'll never need that much in your life. Options are good!

Drone guys are great for getting their remnants.
Basically someone bought the roll I have, and it got passed around bc they barely use any of it.

Then I go rip into 4 basses in a weekend and start making pickup cavities join via copper foil tunnels.
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