Herein, a thread of builds (bass, yes, but also guitar and cabs) that I hope to undertake starting this year. It's mostly for my own benefit, so I have everything in one place and can see how I progress. It's also, of course, for your comments because man y'all have some good advice.
First completed build - turning my garage into a functional workspace. I have to dedicate a fair amount of it to storage, but overall I'm pretty happy with the result.
Certainly relieved some anxiety, considering how messy it was before. Hopefully, now I can start some projects without feeling quite as overwhelmed.
(Incidentally, I'm not sure if this is an appropriate thread for this, so please move it if not. Please, thank you, and apologies if necessary.)
First completed build - turning my garage into a functional workspace. I have to dedicate a fair amount of it to storage, but overall I'm pretty happy with the result.
Certainly relieved some anxiety, considering how messy it was before. Hopefully, now I can start some projects without feeling quite as overwhelmed.
(Incidentally, I'm not sure if this is an appropriate thread for this, so please move it if not. Please, thank you, and apologies if necessary.)