Darkglass Cab Sim Noise

To clarify I’m getting noise on headphones with the DG element. I’ve been using the pedal for a year, it’s bearable, but I have the physical volume on the pedal maxed out. The noise gets louder when I increase the volume on my preamp and bass going into the DG element. Will increasing the gain allow me to reduce the noise?
Hello , not sure how much signal your feeding into your preamp but look at it like this a line level signal is around -20db average with peaks around -12 , and the occasional -6dbfs peak , as long as the signals average level isn’t being pushed past this point you shouldn’t be getting any excessive noise unless you are using single coil pickup , and also keep in mind sending a preamplified signal into a preamp isn’t the preferred method when it comes to gain staging so I would recommend running xlr out of your Darkglass devices and trs into whatever you are plugging into , make sure the interface or mixers line input is set to -10 dbv and you should be golden . Another option is to turn down the level of the Darkglass device to where it’s instrument level then use xlr out to xlr into a mic pre and get your line level signal that way .
1 ground lift
2 pickups ( single coil hum ) try moving into diff position and listen if noise is reduced .
3 high gain settings cause hum
4 cranked master volume going into preamp = noise /hiss
5 improper gain staging ( keep average level at line level anything over will increase noise .
Here are 5 simple steps that may or may not help your giving situation , hope this helps somebody .
Yes, I resetted it after. As for the noise I hear, I tried with different basses, different power sources and connecting to different DI (my audio interface, a mixer, etc). Attached is a zipped audio file in which I tried to capture the noise I hear:

The tracks contains the following:

- 5 bars, Fender P, no cab sim
- 5 bars, Fender P, with cab sim on
- 5 bars, Musicman Sterling, no cab sim
- 5 bars, Musicman Sterling, cab sim on.
- doodling, Musicman Sterling, cab sim on.

After testing several IRs, I have to say, the noise is definitively there, and is quite annoying. I sent the audio samples to @Darkglass ' customer support a couple of weeks ago, but they never paid much attention to the samples. They said the noise shouldn't be there, and that I should try other power sources. Oh well...

do a search on gain staging , it seems your levels are really hot , if your going into your interface hotter then it can handle your going to get hiss / and digital clipping . Try and record at around -20 average levels with peaks no higher then 12 dbfs and from there you can turn it up using the volume fader in your daw . Guarantee this is most likely the problem you are having . Overloading your analog to digital converters .