Fair enough, I expressed myself abrasively. But it really isn't up for discussion. On certain songs, fine, if another guy writes a song that calls for it, but I'm not the supporting player type of guy, and given that I write a lot of the songs, there's gonna be a lot of busy playing
I wasn't commenting on your "abrasive" expression of your attitude: I was commenting on the attitude itself, which you just doubled down on: "I'm gonna play the way I want to play, and I don't give an F whether anyone else in the band likes it or not." You already know that the guitarist doesn't like it, so I suspect this project is DOA -- and I wish you luck finding another band that will have you.
Eh... Honestly I understand this. I like playing busy parts when I can -- or at least being able to choose my own direction -- and I wouldn't want to be part of a group that wouldn't let me spread my wings a bit. Obviously it's got to "work" for the song, whatever that means to the band, but figuring that out is part of the fun. I'm lucky with my current band, we all like busy parts and we're in it for the joy of playing more than anything else.

If everyone can leave their egos and biases at the door, it'll be fine. By all means write what you want and stick up for it, but also have enough self-awareness to recognize when it's your part that isn't working, or when it's your attitude getting in the way.

The idea you expressed earlier about personal tension giving you an "edge" onstage is a nonstarter for me, though. That way lies drama and burned bridges and wasted mental energy.

Anyway it sounds like you haven't even really gotten started here yet, so, why borrow trouble? See what happens. If it goes south, lesson learned, keep looking.
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To me it sounds like what you really want is a showcase of you as a bassist. If that's the case, go out as a solo artist and find musicians that have the understanding that it's your show and that it's all about you. Otherwise you're guaranteed to have this blow up in your face sooner or later. Might as well restructure it now and save yourself the time.

To me it's more of a challenge, and more fun, to make the band greater than the sum of its parts, which means making the bass part fit the song rather than the reverse. But it's your band.

PS a quick piece of advice: if your vocals are weak, I guarantee your playing while singing will be weak also. Might want to work on that before making yourself the star of the whole thing.
What's the difference between a trio and a power trio?

As I understand/conceive it, Cream was a power trio, because it was three highly-talented or even virtuoso, loud-playing musos, each good-enuff/capable of being but no one of them the acknowledged leader, and the vocals were done by them.

The Who were not a power trio, nor Zep, because of the separate vocals.

The conventional trio is usually a featured leader with backing, ex. Metheney, Dick Dale, etc., that might but often don't have vocals, but then ... Hendrix.

Sort of in the middle could be John Mayer with Pino - he is/was the leader (JM), hence his name onnit, but all three are capable ...

Now, everybody feel free to give alt-examples!
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Frankly, it sounds like you need to keep your ego in check. You haven't even gotten the players together, but you have a "my way" attitude on something you know other players won't like. How about keeping an open attitude and everyone listens to everyone else, so you can serve the music?
Also, I forgot to mention one part I'd like some advice on - playing other instruments. I figure, since we're all (supposedly) talented guys, all of us know a few instruments. I'm the sort of guy who likes to experiment, and a fair amount of our instruments overlap. Like, I've written some songs for 12-string guitar, how do I play the 12 string without getting into it with my guitarist for example?
12 String Bass !

You’re welcome !
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Remember all... that TB members represent all walks of life...although some are less represented than others. The OP is 18, Swedish, and loving music. I made some fundamentally different decisions and choices when I was 18 versus when I was 48. I had very different motivations than later in adulthood, and those younger-me motives were driven by different developmental needs, and a much different context than later years. Just sayin'... :D

OP I'd only say that you need to follow the beat of your own drum, and work out any challenges as you come across them. Assert yourself, but it's also wise to allow some room for others to assert themselves too... :thumbsup:
It's gonna be an originals thing as far as I know. We don't have an identity yet, I just wanna make good music and have fun. I'm naturally quite showy, I play busy and I dress like a peacock on stage :D

OK, we're just gonna be honest here. Between the first post and this one you are coming across a bit egomaniacal. I would have a hard time being in a band with you about the third time you told me something was "non negotiable".

You had better let these boys go and start your own band where you're the band leader. That, too, is risky given your attitude. Keeping it staffed will be hard.... but not as hard as keeping thos trio around with your "Me me I, I me me, more me, me me, what I want and screw you if you don't like it" thing you have going there.

I hope I'm wrong about you.
Based on what I've read, I agree with 2 fingers....you are full of non-negotiables before you even get started. If you don't compromise you don't really stand a chance making a go with any band....trio or whatever. Even the BL needs to compromise at times. The only hope is that you lay out your demands up front and they agree to them but it sounds like there is already some tension so I'm really doubtful at this point. Sorry to be negative.
... I can sing (too shy atm)... I play very busy...non-negotiable for me, either that or I walk.
So playing less "busy" even if the band sounds better is "non-negotiable"? And you expect other band members to be accommodating to your bass guitar ideology? Ideology: statement of beliefs.

And not singing because of your excuse(being shy) should be acceptable to them too?

Seems to me you're a bandmate's worst nightmare. :(

Good luck with that!
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