Destroyed Cab/Amp

Weeze can payz ya $80 bucks for the gig and give you da good powah.:meh:
Or weeze can payz ya $100 and ya takes yer chances. :eyebrow:

I believe instead of the singular "ya", the preferred nomenclature here would be the plurarly ambiguous "yous".

Sorry OP, I have nothing constructive to add. :p
EDIT: Lots of TB heavy hitters in this thread already. Listen to what these guys are telling you.
Alright, will do that, thanks!
If they do move, does it mean that the cab itself is still working and that it might be fixed by reconing?

If the cab is working it will not need the drivers to be re-coned.

However I do believe that you have toasted the voice coils of your drivers. 500W pushed by a bunch of different effects masking the cabinets cries of pain will do that.

Perhaps, as @agedhorse suggests, it’s time to consult with a tech.
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I think the overheated VCs melting the glue holding the cones to them explantion sounds likely.
A speaker reconning or fresh speakers can cue that.
There are a few threads here about speaker swaps in that cab.

The harder part is finding the actual cause.
Maybe it was a simple case of too much power for too long.
Maybe it was a case of something going wrong in the amp.
Pushing the input level can cause extra stress in the amp
which may have lead to component failure.
Get it to a good tech.
Chances are, if it is still trying to work, it is fixable.
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I think the overheated VCs melting the glue holding the cones to them explantion sounds likely.
A speaker reconning or fresh speakers can cue that.
There are a few threads here about speaker swaps in that cab.

The harder part is finding the actual cause.
Maybe it was a simple case of too much power for too long.
Maybe it was a case of something going wrong in the amp.
Pushing the input level can cause extra stress in the amp
which may have lead to component failure.
Get it to a good tech.
Chances are, if it is still trying to work, it is fixable.

Culprit was the tort pickguard. :)
Here is the setup:
Active Thunderbird Bass -> Tuner ->
Boss Line selector LS2 ->
Loop 1 (flat): Behringer Vtone Bass BDI21 preamp
Loop 2 (boosted at 2 o’clock): custom RAT clone, cranked
-> Orange OB-1 500 amp
-> Peavey 2x15 Cab
Both loops of the LS2 are always on and mixed together. The amp EQ is either flat or just slightly enhanced treble, since I use the EQs on the RAT and the Preamp and push these pretty hard ( I play in a stoner metal band, so pushing the EQs and using extensive volume is on purpose :D).

It might have happen that you pushed too much RMS (average power) over time into the vntage Peavey 215 cab which actually might have caused damage already at earlier shows but finally total failure for final show of the tour.

As you play stoner rock all along the line with your band the average power strain to the cabinet differs to those players who use a cranked RAT sound only for 16 bar or 32 bar solo at most.

As it is not possible to figure the "true" issue on forum dscussion I highly recommend you to contact an experienced tech just to figure the issue that actually caused the total damage of your cabinet.
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If the amp is okay my guess is that you were just pushing too much power into the cab and it couldn't hang.
Knob position doesn't mean much and you're boosting more volume with the Rat.
Yeah, volume knob position in no way indicates actual power output. A louder input, with the same knob positions, is louder on output specifically because the louder input signal is driving the amp to put out more power.

So by really jacking the input volume with your rat and pre, you could easily induced your amp to pump out lots of power, which seems to have melted/smoked your speakers. Get new speakers that handle even more power.
Thanks to all of you for the help, perfect first experience in this forum :D

so yeah, I’m gonna consult a specialist with the amp + pedalboard and probably won’t get the speakers repaired but rather replace them altogether, with something similar but less seasoned :D
More speakers can help by distributing your power over more boxes. And get you loud without having to run as much gain/ volume.
Yeah, volume knob position in no way indicates actual power output. A louder input, with the same knob positions, is louder on output specifically because the louder input signal is driving the amp to put out more power.

So by really jacking the input volume with your rat and pre, you could easily induced your amp to pump out lots of power, which seems to have melted/smoked your speakers. Get new speakers that handle even more power.
So two 300 watts 4 ohm speakers for example should do the trick right?
Hey there, first post from a new member, so please forgive me and let me know if I should specify something more/less/whatever.

I just got back from tour with my band and unfortunately destroyed my Peavey 2x15 Cab. Problem is, im not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to the technology itself, so I’m not sure what exactly went wrong. All the cables were correctly installed and there didn’t seem to be a problem with the stage electricity since only my stuff burned up.

Here is the setup:
Active Thunderbird Bass -> Tuner ->
Boss Line selector LS2 ->
Loop 1 (flat): Behringer Vtone Bass BDI21 preamp
Loop 2 (boosted at 2 o’clock): custom RAT clone, cranked
-> Orange OB-1 500 amp
-> Peavey 2x15 Cab

Both loops of the LS2 are always on and mixed together. The amp EQ is either flat or just slightly enhanced treble, since I use the EQs on the RAT and the Preamp and push these pretty hard ( I play in a stoner metal band, so pushing the EQs and using extensive volume is on purpose :D). Input switch on the amp is turned to active.

The volume of the amp was at about 1/3 when the cab started smoking a bit after some minutes of playing. I immediately turned the amp off, waited for 20 minutes to let everything cool off and then put it back on again. There was still sound coming from the speakers, but it had no low end and was really quiet. Turns out, both membranes of the speakers completely loosened from the cones (the wooden things in the middle, I don’t really know the terminology).

Now the questions: was the input into the amp too much, since it is probably pretty high (active bass, two active loops with cranked distortion and preamp..)? With the amp volume not even at half, I wouldn’t expect this to be too much?
Could the amp have clipped so hard that it burned the speakers?

Im gonna get the amp checked as soon as possible, but since it is pretty new and the amp I had before that never showed any problems with the same setup (pedalboard + cab), is rather have it that something in the amp was broken than it just not being able to handle the input, since that’s not something that can be repaired...

Be sure to let us know, I'm really curious, can you take a picture of the inner part of the speakers, where you say the "membranes of the speakers completely loosened from the cones (the wooden things in the middle, I don’t really know the terminology)." or at least let us know what the tech says about them? It sounds to me like the cones pulled out of the spiders. If that happened the speaker would still work but the volume would be very soft and have no bottom as you said.
Welcome to TB.
Good suggestions here already.
Listen to @agedhorse
You've got a bunch of 'pre amps' (Rat. ..LS-2 etc. ..) running INTO your 500w amp. All this can bump UP your input by a lot WITHOUT your actual amp volume control being up that high. Add overdrive/fuzz whatever to the equation and it's is VERY likely you drove your speakers over their limits.
I'd be trying the amp into a different. .. 'known to be good' -working and suitable - cab... making sure that yr amp IS still working correctly 1st. I'd ALSO do like agedhorse suggests
Hey there, first post from a new member, so please forgive me and let me know if I should specify something more/less/whatever.

I just got back from tour with my band and unfortunately destroyed my Peavey 2x15 Cab. Problem is, im not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to the technology itself, so I’m not sure what exactly went wrong. All the cables were correctly installed and there didn’t seem to be a problem with the stage electricity since only my stuff burned up.

Here is the setup:
Active Thunderbird Bass -> Tuner ->
Boss Line selector LS2 ->
Loop 1 (flat): Behringer Vtone Bass BDI21 preamp
Loop 2 (boosted at 2 o’clock): custom RAT clone, cranked
-> Orange OB-1 500 amp
-> Peavey 2x15 Cab

Both loops of the LS2 are always on and mixed together. The amp EQ is either flat or just slightly enhanced treble, since I use the EQs on the RAT and the Preamp and push these pretty hard ( I play in a stoner metal band, so pushing the EQs and using extensive volume is on purpose :D). Input switch on the amp is turned to active.

The volume of the amp was at about 1/3 when the cab started smoking a bit after some minutes of playing. I immediately turned the amp off, waited for 20 minutes to let everything cool off and then put it back on again. There was still sound coming from the speakers, but it had no low end and was really quiet. Turns out, both membranes of the speakers completely loosened from the cones (the wooden things in the middle, I don’t really know the terminology).

Now the questions: was the input into the amp too much, since it is probably pretty high (active bass, two active loops with cranked distortion and preamp..)? With the amp volume not even at half, I wouldn’t expect this to be too much?
Could the amp have clipped so hard that it burned the speakers?

Im gonna get the amp checked as soon as possible, but since it is pretty new and the amp I had before that never showed any problems with the same setup (pedalboard + cab), is rather have it that something in the amp was broken than it just not being able to handle the input, since that’s not something that can be repaired...
Did you use instrument cables to hook up your speakers? Or maybe you exceeded min ohm load?
Thanks to all of you for the help, perfect first experience in this forum :D

so yeah, I’m gonna consult a specialist with the amp + pedalboard and probably won’t get the speakers repaired but rather replace them altogether, with something similar but less seasoned :D

Wow. We're 30some posts in and not one person has said it's time for the OP to buy a bunch of new expensive gear?!

I'm thoroughly disappointed, TB.

Edit: I missed the recommendation 3 posts up. Ok, faith kinda slightly restored.

Not only that, but he listened to @agedhorse without any arguments whatsoever.

One thing I have learned here on TB is that when it comes to amps and cabs if @agedhorse says "this is a fact" i'll treat it as such. If he says "this is highly recommended" I'll treat it as a fact too. ;)