Did any of you really think you had privacy on FaceBook????

Doesn't matter. The content on FB still gets taylored based on what you engage with, who you engage with, what times you engage in, etc... you might not get traditional ads, but everything else on FB that you see is unique to you.
I use FB reluctantly and infrequently so I am not their target audience. I go on our band page occasionally and like all the stuff (to get the ratings up) and that is about it. If friends and family want to contact me the last thing they would do is use FB, they all know the preferred ways -

1. home phone, being retired I am usually home. I don't have a mobile (cell phone) signal at home so am not constantly checking it like most people seem do.
2. if I don't answer my home phone try my mobile (cell phone), I won't answer it when driving (it is illegal here).
3. if I don't answer then email and/or text me and I will ring them back as soon as I am able.

Leaving voice mail on either phone is just a waste of time because I only listen to them when I notice I have got them which can be days later.
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Here's us! And here is Zuckerberg! (or is it Suckerberg?)


Yeah, and he owns a piece of Hawaii............like for real!

A real great guy!

Mark Zuckerberg is suing Hawaiian land owners to secure his 700-acre island getaway

Let's keep putting money in his pocket!!!!!!!!!

It was fun to see Face Book take a hit on the stock market yesterday over it's ethics!

With the "flavor of the month" constantly going on with internet media.............how long will Face Book really be around anyway?

Finally, stepping off of the soap box, head scratcher...........how is it that there is a multibillion dollar corporation that a few years didn't exist and now is a giant..................and what do they make or produce or manufacture. Absolutely nothing.

But the real villain is ourselves! We signed up for it.
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If there were no internet, email or face book, smart phones or even god forbid, no talkbass, or any of the rest of this modern monstrosity of so called "Communication" are lives would still go on in other ways, we wouldn't miss any of it. I'm not advocating we go back to dial phones and party lines, just that sometimes technology gets crammed down are throats and people get conditioned by it, there are no shortage of examples if you think about it for a bit. I for one do not want a self driving car, it defeats the purpose of the thing , I'll keep the desire and enjoyment of the driving experience, don't like to drive? take a bus .

Always makes me think of the old adage " just because you can doesn't mean you should" I cant sometimes think that all this WWW is full of dark creepy characters with nefarious and demagogue like ideas for they're own bizzare view of new world order. Tweeting comes to mind ;)
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So if it's truly nothing new, why did Facebook fire their head of securiuty? They wouldn't just do that willy nilly, knowing how bad it would look and that Zuckerberg would lose BILLIONS when the stock took a hit. Could it be that you're missing something? I haven't really looked into this, so I don't know, but these are the first questions that came to mind.

They fired him so that the PERCEPTION is that they "did something about the problem"..... that really isn't a problem. That way, the masses will think they are "on top of it" and stock prices will get back in line. Simple. Happens all the time.
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For me, I just bear in mind that the internet is public space. Virtual public space, but still public. Even if I'm sitting in my den at home in pajamas, I don't put anything there that I wouldn't put out in public.

It also sometimes amazes me that people get upset over some of this stuff. They can be very guarded about putting their home address online, yet for decades 99% of us were all listed in the phone book for anyone to look up at will.

Yup. My mother was an elementary school technology teacher when the internet and email were just becoming a thing. She told the kids all the time not to believe everything they read, to be skeptical of who wanted to know what and why, and to not send something in an email that their grandma would be embarrassed to see on the evening news. These are still reasonable guidelines (which probably none of us follow).

Your second point is excellent. We're all paranoid about 'the guvmint' tapping our phones or whatnot (and I realize that the threat or perceived threat 'the guvmint' presents to each of us Americans does have a lot to do with our political leanings and who holds the power at the time, so there's no need to get specific here), yet we have smart TVs and hackable baby monitors and Alexa and her cohort who are listening devices that we have paid for and put in our own homes. Do these things pose a threat? I don't know. Could they? Likely. And while I've heard the arguments of 'But I'm not doing anything I'm ashamed of,' and 'Who would care about what I do or say?', I find a whole lot of dissonance between being upset about what 'the guvmint' can or might do (or is doing), when we have invited massive privacy invasions ourselves. We won't have widespread security cameras in public spaces because right-to-privacy and civil liberties groups (on many sides) squawk, and 'muricans won't stand for that. Yet we use the internet indiscriminately, and there's a little camera staring at us all the time.

I tried FB a few years ago, just to see what all the fuss was about. I didn't 'get it.' Why would I care what my coworkers had for dinner, or what movie my aunt went to see, or any of that? And why would anyone care what I ate for dinner? To me, it was meaningless clutter. It took less than a year to delete my account, and even that long ago, truly really for sure deleting it took a whole lot of effort and a very specific procedure. Shortly after, FB changed their privacy and account rules so that you truly *can't* absolutely delete anymore.

Still, it lurks. Occasionally I'll click on a link that somebody sends me, and although it doesn't go to a FB page or post, it somehow goes *through* FB to get there. 'fb' will show up briefly in the URL, then it'll change to wherever I'm really going. I am not amused.
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I think Zuckerberg is a genius for cashing in on peoples belief that their life is interesting or special. I bet he didn't even imagine the profit potential of selling info to advertisors and data mining outfits when he started this. If he did foresee this, then he's even more of a genius. Anyone who can make money off of the stupidity of the masses should be a billionaire. Many times over.
That's a cop out. The old "If you don't see it the way I do you're too dumb to try to explain it to" line.

Take a chance. I'm smarter than you think. ;)
Alright. Well, to begin, what reading have you read up on what really happened here with CA? Do you fully understand how the data was obtained, the mechanisms used to silenty extend the data gathering, and the fact that CA reneged on how the data is to be retained, used, not re-sold, and destroyed?
Nothing surprises me about lack of privacy in our online world.
It’s a balance: it makes our lives easier (don’t need to have that book shelf filled with 50 lbs of encyclopedias) and offers enjoyment to some. Hosever, you have to be wary that every move, post, statement, and even your thoughts eventually (thru predictive softwares analyzing all your past online habits), are potentially being watched, logged & analyzed. Or if they aren’t, they can be. I understand when signing up for something like Facebook (even tho I haven’t been on it for personal use in a cpl years...)that it should be used, but not trusted. It is an amazing platform to reach and stay in touch w/ people from your past, and also a great means to promote your music or whatever biz you may have. But like someone else stated, don’t post anything you don’t want the world to know.

I must say, knowing all this there is one thing that freaked me out a bit. That was when after talking about a certain subject or product thru text msg - never mentioned on fb, fb msgr, or any other social media platform - all of a sudden ads regarding that product or field of interest started popping up repeatedly on FB. That concerned me, I was naive enough to think that my text msgs were equivalent to phone calls - altho I know they can be listened in on - I thought they’d be safe from prying eyes/ears of FB & the like. But that happened a few times, and these were obscure enough topics that it was clearly not coincidence. I do think that is wrong, but it surprised me less than it should’ve unfortunately...
Has anyone else had that happen, because that does seem like an overreach...

Like always in life, no matter what epoch: live life & enjoy, but also be wary & smart enough not to throw yourself into the mouth of a bear. It may still get you, but you don’t need to make it easy.
...I call BS on the "ignorance" of the masses. And I call BS on their being offended.

But it’s different when the ignorance is willful.
Living a fantasy existence is all happy happy, right up to the point someone says, “but it’s not real” in a voice too loud to be ignored, or one’s prefered opinion can no longer be thought valid even with a full complement of Tommy’s Holliday Camp swag, that’s when the outrage surfaces.
But yeah, pop the fantasy bubble and the confederacy of dunces goes apoplectic with manufactured outrage and much angry murmuring.
Maybe one day enough folks will rediscover this and take it to heart.

When people start talking about the stupidity of the masses, regardless of the topic, I assume the opinion is coming straight from what they just heard on a cable channel or AM radio. We're all the stupid masses, no matter how much we think we know about a single topic.